Water Quality Assessment and Prediction using IoT along with Machine Learning
MIT-WPU School of Computer Engineering and Technology
Excellence & Innovation Built into Learning
Water Quality Assessment and Prediction using IoT along with Machine Learning
Survival of the human beings, animals and plants etc. depends on the availability of the water resources. Human being's health significantly gets affected by the consumption of the polluted water.?Unsafe drinking water gives rise to a mortality rate of 3. 4 million around the globe within a year [1]. Water resources such as rivers, wells, ponds, lakes and other water bodies are continuing to get polluted due to increased urbanization and industrial wastes.?These wastes also get dumped landfills causing ground water contamination [1-2]. Therefore, water contamination and pollution are an issue of growing concern and importance. For example, the America Clean Water Foundation has established the water monitoring day (called the Earth Echo Water Challenge) in 2003 to create awareness about water contamination and pollution [3].
?Due to continuous contamination of the ground water because of the dumping of the wastes from industries, households and other various sectors into landfills ground water quality used for drinking also gets degraded. For the consumption of the safe drinking water it needs to be tested on a regular basis before using it for the household purposes. Therefore, testing the water quality is very important [1-2].
?Current Water Quality assessment research is going on using Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine learning (ML) with the use of a cloud environment for communication, data storage and for connecting different devices from different locations [3]. Physical, chemical, and biological properties are used to examine the water quality. Different water parameters collected through sensors are alkalinity, pH, and conductivity, TDS (amount of organic and inorganic material), DO (dissolved oxygen), Ammonia-N, Sodium, Boron, Nitrate-N, Chloride, Fluoride, Manganese, Magnesium- hardness, Calcium- hardness, Hydrogen sulfide [2,5].?
Figure 1. IoT based water quality assessment data collection system.
As shown in Figure 1. IoT based water quality assessment data collection system consists of water quality sensors, an analog to digital converter, a microcontroller-based system such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino, a Gateway module, Cloud based services for data storage, processing and communication as well as user interface module [2,5]. The IoT-based water quality assessment system monitors the data provided by the sensors to check the water quality degradation so as to suggest the corrective measures in real time. Related authorities can be alerted using combination of IoT, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Cloud services, SMS and emails.
?Issue of water pollution can be addressed significantly if water quality is assessed in real time and its prediction is done in advance. Machine Learning techniques such as Decision Tree (DT) classifier, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network, and Naive Bayes classifier are used in the ongoing research for the classification of the water usage based on the water quality parameter values given by the Water Pollution Control Boards in different countries [5].?IoT based water quality monitoring and prediction systems can be used for safe drinking water at well, for agriculture use as it is getting consumed by the plants and indirectly by the human beings, fish farming as well as at swimming pools.?Techniques such as SVM, Deep Learning along with optimization algorithms are used for the prediction and forecasting of the water quality for aquaculture and fisheries.
?As data representing water quality is non-linear and complex in nature, it is difficult to represent it by a single Machine Learning prediction model [5]. Though these issues are addressed by many researchers, still there is a need to improve the prediction models considering effectiveness, accuracy, reliability and usability [5].
?1.?????G. R. Kumar, Devaki Kishore, Gadamsetty V Mohan Ganesh Kumar, Avila J, Thenmozhi K, RengarajanAmirtharaja and PadmapriyaPraveenkumar, "Waste contamination in Water—A Real-time Water Quality Monitoring System using IoT", International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)?(pp. 1-4). IEEE, 2021
2.?????Jan, F.; Min-Allah, N.; Dü?steg?r, D. IoT Based Smart Water Quality Monitoring: Recent Techniques, Trends and Challenges for Domestic Applications. Water 13, 1729, 2021.
3.?????MotazDaadoo, Yousef-AwwadDaraghmi, “Smart Water Leakage Detection Using Wireless Sensor Networks (SWLD)”, International Journal of Networks and Communications, 2017
4.?????Saif Allah H. AlMetwally, Mohamed K. Hassan, Mohamed H. Mourad, "Real Time Internet of Things (IoT) Based Water Quality Management System", Procedia CIRP,91, 478-485, 2020
5.?????Nemade, B., Shah, D.," An efficient IoT based prediction system for classification of water using novel adaptive incremental learning framework", Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences ,2022.
Article written by: Prof. Vidya B. Patil (Assistant Professor, School of CET)