Water Fasting Is a Powerful Strategy to Optimize Health

Water Fasting Is a Powerful Strategy to Optimize Health

Caution :"Did you check with your doctor?"

If there is no reason to fast, then don't fast! If things are going well, you are meeting your body's needs, you feel great and everything's hunky-dory, then carry on. In fact, once living well and feeling good most of the time, your own sensitive instincts will be much more fine-tuned and operating well.

When that instinct is subtly telling you, "something's a little out-of-whack inside," then you wisely and immediately deal with it. 9 times out of 10 the best way to deal with it is to temporarily lessen any need to expend any excess body energy, body vitality. Stop demanding anything from your body, until that inner feeling of off-ness is resolved.

One of the best ways of doing that is to fast, maybe half a day, maybe 1 full day. If I get that "off" feeling, I'll certainly bypass the next meal, and also take a nap or meditate, if possible.

Remember that digestion requires an Enormous amount of energy from the body to process the food and wastes. To stop eating immediately conserves all that energy. Your body promptly takes that saved energy and puts it to use to fix whatever needs fixing.

Another option is to simply have juice, esp veg juice, instead of regular meal. Juice is largely pre-digested, and greatly lowers the digestive energy expenditure.

Another reason to fast is general health maintenance in today's grossly polluted world. Water fasting does such a great job of healing, rejuvenating and revitalizing all aspects of the body's functioning that medical scientists that are new to it are blown away by its benefits.

Big Pharma cannot patent and sell fasting in any way, so I suspect that in-depth studies will be few and far between. Nevertheless, nobody has to wait for scientific research about it. Virtually anyone can do it, today. No prescription necessary. No permission necessary.

There's enormous fear around water fasting. Many believe their body will go into starvation mode, resulting in all sorts of catastrophes, not to mention having to struggle with unrelenting hunger for days on end. The truth is, if you do your research and apply the strategies recommended in this interview, you’re not going to go into starvation mode; you’re going into health-generating mode. And you’re not going to be overwhelmed by hunger.

George Newman, lecturing at a low-carb conference in San Diego this past summer, discusses many important details of: multiple day water fasts. Newman has no formal health training. He's an engineer, but he really knows his stuff and talking to him inspired me to re-evaluate my stance on extended water fasting, which I didn’t think was necessary in the absence of obesity , diabetes or some other specific health challenge such as cancer.

Newman has really enlightened and motivated me by example about the profound benefits of water fasting, even when you do not have a weight or insulin problem. Newman, however, inspired me to revisit this topic,

There's no pain. You can get more done — the mental clarity is just profound, not to mention it makes life easier and less expensive since you don’t have to buy, prepare, eat or clean up food for a few days.

What I'm most excited about is the fact that it radically improves your body's ability to digest damaged cells, a process we called autophagy. It also increases stem cells. Newman explains:

“When you look at Valter Longo's work …

Link: https://www.statnews.com/2017/06/13/fasting-diet-valter-longo/

 their aha moment was when cancer model rodents, mice, were fasted before chemo, during chemo, after chemo and then refed until they came back to their before-fast weight … Chemo will normally knock your white blood cell count way down, but after six or seven cycles [of fasting and refeeding], they noticed that these mice had the white blood cell count of young mice and not cancer model mice with a lot of chemo.

He mentioned that a mouse, when you fast it for a day, loses 10 percent of its body weight … My point is that if I fast for five days, it’s nowhere comparable to fasting a mouse for two days. So, a question I have is how long do you really need to fast to bring that [stem cell effect] out, and I don't know the answer to that question.”

About the common sense of fasting - here are some further points –

 1, - the human body is among other things a storage system - the human body especially in the obese and overweight specimens is being overwhelmed by fat storage - the adjustments and elimination of fuel and the stabilization of an imbalanced homeostasis is highly costly in terms of nutrient needs

- 2, - that "cleaning out" the system by giving the human body a hiatus in order to recuperate/ repair/ regenerate is to be seen as a "pause" that engenders health stabilization - much research which is ongoing is and will be forthcoming - investigations are both revealing and show that LIFE EXTENSION is possible - not a poor quality LIFE EXTENSION but a disease free LIFE EXTENSION -

Is Water Fasting Right for You?

Most people would likely benefit from longer water fasting, whether you’re overweight and diabetic or not. The key is to properly prepare yourself and not jump in half-cocked. At 62, and having a diagnosis of AFib, Newman is an inspiring example of how simple lifestyle strategies can turn your health around. In his case, he’s managed to keep his AFib largely under control with a combination of keto adaptation, fasting and magnesium supplementation.

Like Newman , most of you reading this are not medical or health professionals, and he really shows that if you have intelligence and persistence, you can read the literature and safely implement health strategies that can help solve the problem at its foundational core. Hopefully you'll consider integrating fasting into your self-help toolkit, because it’s really one of the most profound metabolic interventions I know of.

The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.

Thank you …Regarding fasting, there is controversy about juice fasting vs water fasting. Some say that juice fasting is not a true fast. They are welcome to their opinion. Personally, I think they are both beneficial. The water fast is obviously more challenging. The juice fast (some call it a juice flush) is still very good in that you are consuming food that has been broken down and providing your body with nutrition that will help to strengthen the organs.

Also, be it a juice fast or water fast, I prefer to not answer phones, rest whenever I'm in need, work in my garden, and avoid contact with the many naysayers who are out there.

A good rule of thumb is not to tell anyone that you are on a fast. When I first started doing this, I ran into several people in the community and mentioned that I was on a fast. The standard reply was, "Oh you've gotta be careful with those fasts", or "Did you check with your doctor?"

One of these nay sayers was somewhat obese. Yep, crawl in your cave and block out the world for a few days. Before you know it, the fast will be over and you will be in better shape than before.

Drinking any significant amounts of carbonated beverages such as Coke or Pepsi wipes out most if not all of the body’s bicarbonate buffer and is very bad for health

Dr Sircus states that one of the mechanisms of type 2 diabetes starting is from pancreas burnout due to the pancreas having to produce massive amounts of bicarbonate to neutralize acids from the western style diets, and especially from carbonated drinks.


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Gurlleen Khhokhr

Mental Health Expert assisting in guiding relationships and life problems,Author,Writer,Speaker, Numerologist,Former Principal of my own school named Windsor daycare kindergarten,Former Model.

7 年




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