Become a water muse, first and foremost. nervous system (ANS) regulation is a function of light and water properly activating one another to control magnetic flux in the spinning ATPase on the 5th cytochrome. The vagus nerve connects dissimilar "bodies of water" within the human body to make them work coherently. They use the light in that environment to make a connection or allow a mitochondrial disconnection which disrupts energy flows.
Cells are designed to be a repository of collectible wisdom from nature’s energy and information. That energy and data come to cells as and their energy and data are stored in water. Given our cellular design to capture and collected and decipher waves, no human being itself should be considered impaired innately, there are environmental that cause the impairment. Thus, it is incumbent on the on the clinician to recommend treatment of the environment their patient is in. People react to an inferior environment, way before their genome is altered. That is what the science of epigenetics and ubiquitin biology are telegraphing us, but the modern paradigm is not listening to this data. You must.
The brain is like the rest of your body; if you don’t use it, it gets de-conditioned with too little stimulation. It also can be tired out by too much stress or activity from modern life. It needs different "kinds of stimulation or exercise" to increase its varied function and requires both rest and recovery time to consolidate its gains.
Research has shown in patients with advanced tumor stage at cancer diagnosis, high heart rate variability (HRV) predicted lower tumor marker levels than did low HRV. I think soon when people begin to focus on the loss of ELF-UV and the GDV camera’s they will see this as a more accurate way to determine their risk of illness and be a way to track their heteroplasmy % in their mitochondria as time elapses. It turns out, estimating a cancer patient’s prognosis by determining his tumor stage needs to also consider the vagal nerve activity, both in the brain stem and peripherally at the gut and sense organs where water lakes exist. That is some news about lifespan you rarely will hear in the oncology literature. It is now published in pub med here. Vagal tone is linked to how fast the ATPase spins in mitochondria and this is why vagal tone is related to longevity and lifespan. Click here.
Apparently what happens in the "vagus" winds up on pub med even though oncology may not want that info out in public! The autonomic nervous system has two main arms, sympathetic and parasympathetic. The vagus is part of the parasympathetic system that lowers the stress response. Its activity drops chronically when the sympathetic system is constantly turned on. The sympathetic system outflow of the stress stimulus begins in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). The vagus nerve is the calming portion of the ANS and antagonizes the PVN to lower stress. Balancing both arms is critical in avoiding diseases, and creating allostasis.
The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve and it connects the electric digital and analog systems together in the brain from the peripheral sensors. We medicine men test these connections using EEG, EMG, and MEG. Vagal nerve stimulators affect this balance in diseases where stress dominates like obesity, depression, and seizures. The vagus nerve also is the protector of the blood-brain barrier, the gut barrier and the mucosal pneumo-environmental barrier in human sinuses. Many people are quite unaware of how the vagus nerve and the trigeminal nerve nuclei in the brainstem work in unison to cool the air spaces in the skull and that surround the maxillary teeth. The nasal sinuses also cool their interiors by the mucosal surfaces making and releasing nitric oxide under the direction of neural signaling. This neural signaling is massively influenced by the solar signals in our eye, skin, gut, and lung surfaces. Nitric oxide vasodilates the nasal sinus mucosal surfaces to give these cavities "a radiator like an effect" to cool things around it. I've used this same idea in the radial artery with respect to the Quantlet. The radial artery is distal to the superior cervical ganglion of the ANS which controls blood flow to the brain.
This nitric oxide in and around the head and neck blood supply is transmitted to the various vagal nerve branches to travel toward the brain and down into the gut. The vagus concerns itself with things that cool these surfaces but make sure the pH is perfect to build a large exclusion zone in water in the cells below that particular tissue surface. This temperature variation acts to make sure the local mitochondrial ATPase (5th cytochrome) spins as fast as it can because the red light that builds the EZ in water can be used to rotate the ATPase to make it a 100% efficient quantum nano rotatory engine. The vagus nerve connects the entire gut down to the transverse mesocolon of the hindgut to the fourth ventricle of the brainstem. This 4th ventricle is filled with CSF (99.8% water) and the vagus nerve is covered with myelin in connection with this CSF. Cooler surfaces have more electron density in their cell water. Since light only interacts with electrons in nature, this makes cooler water more likely to interact with solar light. This becomes the MOST important balancing stimulus to improve the fidelity of the ANS signals for cells in the body.
The vagus nerve includes axons which emerge from or converge onto four nuclei of the brainstem in the medulla:
- The dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve — which sends parasympathetic output, which is the secretomotor parasympathetic nucleus. Secretomotor primarily means that it stimulates glands - including mucous glands of the pharynx, lungs, and gut, as well as gastric glands in the stomach.
- The nucleus ambiguus — which gives rise to the branchial efferent motor fibers of the vagus nerve and preganglionic parasympathetic neurons that innervate the heart
- The solitary nucleus — The solitary nucleus receives taste information, the sensation from the back of the throat, and also visceral sensation. Visceral sensation includes blood pressure receptors, blood-oxygen receptors, sensation in the larynx and trachea, and stretch receptors in the gut. The eye has a UV-A light opsin that stimulates nitric oxide (NO) release in the eye and in the nasal passages using the 5th cranial nerve. The 5th nerve releases the NO to the blood plasma and this stimulates the vagus receptors in the circulatory system to alter blood flow to the brain. This is how the nitric oxide release occurs from the light stimulus of the neuropsin receptor of the eye that innervates the first two divisions of the trigeminal nerve that innervates the sinuses connects to the vagus nerve at the superior cervical ganglion and circulatory system.
- The spinal trigeminal nucleus — which receives information about deep/crude touch, pain, and temperature of the outer ear, the dura of the posterior cranial fossa and the mucosa of the larynx.
The stimulus of light changes CSF in the brain and in the gut. This is how the “central digital” circadian system from the RPE of the eye is linked to the SCN which sits in a cistern of CSF above your optic nerves in your skull. The “analog circadian system” of the gut is linked to light exposure from food electrons and to the timing of food grown in the environment that cells get in our mitochondria so that the signals can be yoked via the area postrema (AP) and the median eminence (ME) in the brain. These two areas of the brain have no blood-brain barrier. They allow water and light communication to occur, so the electron density in the CSF is accurately tied to the local environment these neurons can sense. Electron density and coolness are linked in water. This is true in the ocean and in our cells and CSF cavities. For example, when we eat, 60% of blood flow is shunted from the peripheral blood to the gut’s mesenteric system by the autonomic nervous system. The brain senses and pays attention to these shifts, using the vagus nerve, as its main information highway. When the sun hits our skin, nitric acid (NO) is released and 40-60% of blood flow raises to the skin surface to become radiated by solar radiation. This energy transfer is sensed by the vagus nerve at our superior cervical ganglion and sent to the brain to lower our stress response in the PVN. So if your lifestyle buries the sun, you create a stress response and if you do it long enough you might end up with a disease like cancer.
The area postrema and median eminence are called the circumventricular organs in the brain which have no blood-brain barrier. This allows the brain's leptin receptor to accurately decipher the electron density of water in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). CSF is 99.9% water by volume that is made from the blood in humans. All of these circumventricular regions (7 in total) they are bathed in CSF that surrounds the brain. The vagus nerve and trigeminal nerve connect all these water systems in the central and peripheral nervous system. This is the very same fluid that surrounds the SCN circadian oscillator clock in all humans as well. The digital circadian signals from the SCN project visible light photons from the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the retina to the median eminence to affect hormone release in the pituitary. The neuropsin receptor links the trigeminal and vagus nerve. The receptor is within the cornea which is innervated by the fifth nerve that also innervates the nasal and paranasal sinuses to release nitric oxide into the blood.
This is why the sunrise is critical to "water exercise". When the sun rises it contains no UV-A light. This makes the first appearance of UV-A light a stimulus for a light ‘crescendoing wave’ in water in the cells and tissues of the body. The stimulus of AM light on the and retina is a key to circadian operations and it also explains why the decrescendo of blue light at dusk is opposite gear of the clock mechanism in this coupled event. Both need to work together in a coupled fashion and are very important to get proper signaling back in the vagal system to improve the fidelity of the ANS system deep in the brain. This water exercise Rx is the key to making our clock accurate every day. In this way, light is exercising the entire autonomic system of control in the brain. In order for the adaptation to occur to return the fidelity to the system, the wave stimulus of light must properly resonate on the mitochondrial membranes. In this way, sunlight can be seen as the "musical tuner" for our mitochondrial membranes.
The analog system from the gut’s photoelectric code comes directly from food's electrons. These electrons are programmed by solar light's frequencies and it's light energy projects directly to the area postrema in the 4th ventricle where parasympathetic vagal tone begins in the brainstem. This region is buried in a sea of CSF. This unifies how the analog and digital circadian signals from the eye and gut link back in the brain to work in unison to tell an organism what their energy balance is and what it should be. This level determines the outflow from the PVN or vagus nerve. The local mitochondria in this area respond to the energy generated from the respiratory chain at any time of the year just by “counting electron density” in the CSF. Electron density in CSF is a very sensitive stimulus for mitochondria because any changes in it will alter the intermolecular hydrogen bonding in water (CSF) to make it the ideal quantum liquid to transfer energy and information bidirectionally at the speed of light. It does this because water is fully responsive to electromagnetic waveforms in its environment surrounding the brain. This makes water a perfect molecular mirror for energy production. This "mirroring effect" in water of light's waveforms, changes anything that interacts with. Water’s memory is built by these "flickering" hydrogen bonding networks and this can exercise the brain with energy or subtract energy from it. Light exercises our water networks in our brain.
We collect electrons from the sun, magnetic field and from foods and our leptin receptor accounts for them on its ledger sheet to send out signals from our PVN and vagal nerve. All of these things are considered electron donors. There are other chemicals in our body that provide us with electrons too, like superoxide and lactate. The more we are connected to the sun and magnetic field’s flux, the fewer food electrons we need to eat. This is why calorie restriction data exists. No one seems to realize how calorie restriction and cancer link. Calorie restriction, like most things, works ideally in people with an outdoor existence with the surfaces exposed to the sun and the magnetic flux of the planet. It won't operate in a blue-lit microwave world. In that world, things like cancer subtract time from your life. Sunlight provides the exercise to expand your lifespan.
- You cannot find wellness in the same environment you got ill within. That is nature’s rules, not mine. We have to pay attention to this chronic disconnection from nature or illness will begin and manifest. You have to embrace a water existence because water is a natural Faraday cage. You want that cage built inside your cells in an EZ format to protect you from nnEMF’s of all types and restrict calcium flows; this will allow you to stimulate your vagus nerve while muting your paraventricular nucleus where the stress response begins in the brainstem unbalancing the autonomic nervous system and reducing its fidelity.
- The light environment your eye, skin, and aero-digestive system pay attention to water networks in the body. The information comes from the penetration of sunlight via the cornea and pupils and via the meridians in the skin and collagen allow deeply penetrating red light to enter to affect your mitochondrial ATPase at deeper tissue levels in ways few realize. This is why the body is segmentally organized to distribute the light stimulus from the local environment even though it is below your sensory perception. If we sensed it, it would change and affect the quantum effects in mitochondria. We can now measure these things using GDV cameras and photomultipliers. When you begin to realize what is really behind the illness, it makes it easy to change these aspects of your life at once to reverse conditions to improve mitochondrial energy production. It will mean major moves from certain areas on Earth will have to be made, and this will not be a comfortable choice for many. It will be hard to accomplish this for many people because, in most altered epigenetic states, dopamine levels are at the lowest levels in these brains, making coming to the right choice an impossible task. This is why you need to enlist a friend to help you bio-hack. Often times your family will resist the choices you will have to make for yourself. The words “crazy and unreasonable” will be heard echoing in and around your home.
3. You must reconnect with nature at once. This means every morning you must see the sunrise and every night see the sunset. Your surfaces, mentioned above, must also see the daily natural solar patterns. Do this before you do anything else.
4. You must limit all artificial blue light and non native EMF as soon and possible. Using sunlight and water daily is a key part of this hack. Install a small in home waterfall somewhere in your yard/solarium/home where you will dedicate your time. You must reconnect your vagus to your innate watery muse. Falling water brings the Lenard effect to your environment to help improve negative ions into the air and air cavities you breath improving the balance of NO/oxygen for breathing.
5. You must begin meditation to improve your breath. Learn to use deep/slow belly breathing. Exhale longer than you inhale. The vagus nerve innervates the lungs and thoracic cavity. Chanting the sound ‘OM’, as a monk would do also works to tone the vagus nerve. I do this when I am in an isolation tank to sensitizes my vagus nerve to a day in my operating room. I also chant a bit before I consider using carotid artery massage for my real stressful nights of trauma call. This will also calm you down and have an amazing effect on your blood pressure. It is even better if you control the light environment you are in when performing this hack. I consider it my version of "in home chemotherapy" for stressors I face in my job. Consider buying a quartz sounding bowl and learning to use it to use sound to rebuild your EZ inside your cells.
6. Cold water face immersion after exercise also stimulates the vagus and the mammalian dive reflex. I spoke about this in the Cold Thermogenesis blog series on my website. Filling the mouth with cold ice water or cooled saliva and submerging your tongue to trigger a hyper-relaxing vagal response. If you really want to push it putting crushed ice in your mouth with cold water really stimulates the ramus lingualis of the vagus nerve in the mouth. Stimulating the vagus nerve naturally with light and breath with these hacks above will far outperform any other maneuver. They are all easy to do and free to try. I’ve taught many members this during live events.
7. When you really improve your condition, you might even consider learning free diving breathing. This is an advanced form of vagal stimulation. I’ve used this for bio-hacks in cystic fibrosis and and multiple sclerosis.
8. Artificial vagal stimulation is possible with a vagal nerve stimulator, but there are no indications for use with cancer at this time. I have a sense this might change with time. The most interesting link for cancer patients is the depression link. Depression and cancer are tightly coupled. Depression is always associated with a stress response and a low DC electric current in tissues. Low Vitamin D3 levels are an ideal proxy for depression and cancer links. Depression and cancer diagnosis are often linked in life and in the literature. Your doctor may not make this link for you but you must.
9. Vagal stimulation improves all of the following as shown in a pub med search: It turns on and amplifies neurogenesis, helping our brains sprout new brain cells. Rapidly turn off the stress, hyper-arousal, and fight/flight via the relaxation response. Sharpen our memories. Fight inflammatory disease. Help you resist high blood pressure. Block the hormone cortisol and other oxidizing agents that age and deteriorate the brain and body Block systemic (body-wide) inflammation which is a major factor behind aging and poor health. Help us overcome depression and anxiety. Help us sleep better to regenerate the immune system to fight the cancer as nature has built within us. Raise levels of human growth hormone. You will often here growth hormone is a bad thing for cancers. Exogenous growth hormone is but not the growth hormone from your own pituitary gland. It help us overcome insulin resistance and natural sunlight gives this the best massive boost. Dealing with insulin resistance with food is a futile battle if you are not getting full spectrum sunlight via your retina daily. Vagal stimulation can turns down allergic responses and immune response that overshoot because of poor signaling due to inflammation. Inflammation = protons and pH is a measure of proton gradient. The lower the pH the lower the thickness and power contained within your exclusion zone of cell water. This lowers chances of getting stress, seizures, and tension/migraine headaches. Help spare and grow our mitochondria by stimulating autophagy and avoiding apoptosis; this is a key to maintaining optimal energy levels and not causing massive overexpression of our DNA and RNA machinery that occurs in cancer states. It gives you more time to affect the environmental changes mentioned above. They can affect our overall ability to live longer, healthier, and more energetic lives.
10. Use of isolation tanks in heavy water with a combination of artificial UV and IR lights within the tub or its environment is a consideration. Humming and listening to running water in this state markedly stimulate several senses that the vagus nerve monitors. I have used some optical hacks with light via my eyes to augment these effects. I spoke about them in the June 2016 webinar. This might be hard to pull off in your home, unless you build your own as I have. You can simulate it in a spa or hot tub.
11. Exercise to stimulate deep breathing. Breathing stimulates cooling because of the effect of CO2 over our lung surface. This can vary depending upon the person’s condition. The exercise must be done outside with as little as clothing on as possible.
12. Avoid sunglasses at all time the sun is out. If you wear contacts remove them and go back to glasses. When outdoors take your glasses off. When indoors, under the influence of artificial light, make sure you are blocking blue frequencies 400- 465 nm with blue tech lenses or some equivalent. You should also cover up your skin indoors. Your vagus nerve rami comes to the surface of your orbit around your eye muscles and blocking frequencies of light can and will alter the size and shape of your eye to alters vagal tone. This is controlled by the radix oculomotoria branches. Just stimulating your eyes with rubbing them can sensitize your vagus nerve!!!
13. Just 15 minutes of sounds of falling water or crashing waves, waterfalls, or splashing rivers will give you a 20-30% drop in stress hormones (cortisol and epinephrine) This can stimulate the vagal rami in the ear and ear canal. You don’t always need to meditate to take advantage of this because water alone can meditate you. The vagus nerve and water are intimately tied to all of our senses in ways that are quantized to the dissolved gases in water to make vibrations. Those vibrations can positively affect mitochondrial resonance. Dr. Doug Wallace has found a key frequency for optimized mitochondrial function and the geometry of the respiratory proteins on the cristae. Soundscape ecology helps soothe the PVN and stimulate the vagus nerve because our sound processing systems were built to be attuned to the smallest sounds. This phonon tuning began in the womb when we were surrounded by water. Today’s urbanized noise is not just annoying, it has been found to be lethal because it can generate solitons on cell membranes that alter vagal tone to our detriment.
14. Looking of pictures of the ocean daily can also have the same effect because it alters our mood according to cognitive neuroscientist Petr Janata from Univ. of California at Davis.
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Senior Project Manager at Publicis Groupe
5 年Orsolya Andrea L?rincz Réka Halasi
Health and Longevity
7 年Do we need to live somewhere where we can see directly sunrise and sunset or if we can't see loke a dawn, then we can walk somewhere where we can see it clearly?