Each day I noticed one or more views of my profile by someone in private mode. It’s amazing how this sparks questions in my mind…?
Could this be a celebrity who doesn’t wish their identity revealed? Not Likely!?
Could this be an admirer smitten by my aging face? Hmm??
Could this be someone in government considering me for a cabinet position? Ha!?
Could this be a representative of the Louvre in Paris who is thinking of the possibility of featuring my art in a private gallery show? Give me a break!?
Whoever these Watchers are, they are the consummate shadow dwellers who deserve recognition. Permit me to salute their clandestine style…
Kudos to those elite secretive class who negotiate the cracks and crevices beneath the rock from which they lie in fear of being revealed to the masses. Slithering through shadows of smoke and mirrors. Peering out of their dark lair, viewing all that is true and in the light of day. How amazingly insecure are they that they cannot own up their identity to whom they watch in wonder.?
Let is all pray that they gain a sense of honor in their name and face to keep from hiding themselves from the world around them.
Have a great day all you Watchers, Sneaks, Private Mode Viewers, Anonymous Ones and Those Without Photos! You are the Creme de la Creme of darkness. After all, Light would be hard to recognize without darkness! Therefore you have your place don’t you?