Watch Your Caffeine and Hydration
Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator
??I teach Knowledge Management for Polymaths, + Generalists ???Host of the Polymath PolyCast, and Creator Spotlight by PolyTools!
Ended up having to make an article because the "post" was too long.
As someone who is obssessed with selfdevelopment and biohacking, caffeine is a big part of many strategies. However it doesn't really help as much as you might think. It has also given me heartburn (in addition to diet over the years), since I was a teenager.
The benefits and cons he goes into the video are very interesting. I've been strapped for cash the past couple months cause of less day job hours, which is fine, but it made me more decisive on what I consume.
I'm also trying to decrease the amount of stuff, food, and overall everything in my home. Good pair I'd say, so I've been consuming the items that I've put off for a while, and that includes supplements and tea. etc.
Since I don't go to the store as much, partly cause of exposure, and mostly because of how much I've decided to spend on consumables. I have not been drinking soda hardly at all, which has always been a hardship for me. I love the fizziness in my mouth, and overall crisp feeling. Although I have replaced it in the past with seltzer and ginger ale. etc.
So basically no soda, less coffee overall, and even tea I've been a bit lazy with.
I've noticed that I drink a lot more water this way, and it is rather by forced choice. It is all that is left, as I haven't been at the store to buy juice! XD
One thing I'd like to point out is that I know I drink far more than most people, liquids in general actually, but especially water (by pure ounces). Yet I am still not drinking enough it seems, and that just goes to show how much others may need be drinking too!!
Caffeine and creatine are two common supplements that people take, yet BOTH take a ton of water from you. That is fine as long as you drink more when taking them. Although people often don't, I try to, and I still don't! Haha
Point is, just be more aware of what you consume, and take it easy on the caffeine. <3