EAT RIGHT (excerpt from The Ten Step M.A.N.)
We must learn to eat right. Use the shield to block out unhealthy foods and turn down some plates. You don’t have to eat every piece of fried chicken and every piece of bacon coming at you. It may insult some people when you don’t eat their food, but if you do eat it, it can hurt you. You can refuse it. If the devil can’t get you with words and insults, he will get you with beef and bacon, cakes and ice cream, starch and fast foods that he will throw in your face. And because you can’t resist temptation, you’ll eat every bit of it and suffer the consequences of your greed. More people die from obesity than starvation. A large number of people with cancer is due to diet. Overabundance can kill.
The spiritual challenge to greed is moderation, discretion and balance. We have to watch the foods we eat because men suffer from diabetes, heart disease, vitamin and hormone deficiencies, and high cholesterol at alarming rates. And a large part of our suffering is due to diet. It is absolutely necessary that we monitor the foods we eat to assure health and vitality, endurance and stamina for all parts of our organs. Viagara should be a last resort and with the right diet it will be.
Even certain drinks can be just as harmful to the diet as foods. Get rid of those sodas and beers; drink more water and natural juices. It will help replenish the body and invigorate the soul. You can do it M.A.N.!