Watch What They Do - Or Teach - Or Do

Watch What They Do - Or Teach - Or Do

How many consultants, speakers, and experts are great at doing what they themselves teach? 

Good question, right?

You'd think the answer is "ALL of them."

Sadly, the true answer is "very few." 

How many more experts, coaches, mentors, and so-called gurus are in the "Do what I say - not what I do" category?  

Sadly, the answer is "plenty." 

From 2002-2005, I was a jack of all trades in the speaking, training, and coaching business.

"Guilty as charged, officer"...  

  • I taught leadership and I never led anyone
  • I taught sales and I sucked at selling
  • I taught customer service only ever having been a customer :o) 
  • I taught hiring, firing, and team building with a deep background and experience in exactly zero hirings, no firings, and no team

You get the idea. 

Then as I started to coach and mentor other speakers between 2005 and 2008 (for free, over coffees, breakfasts, lunches, and way too many "pick your brain" phone calls), a light bulb went off:

Forget about doing what you teach.

What if I only taught what I DO?

Back in 2008, I flipped the switch on this for my own business. 

And then I raised the bar even higher:

I decided to only teach what I had mastered. Nothing else.  

Dropped all the other workshops, coaching, and consulting gigs.  

  • I was a working professional speaker - let me teach how to do that.
  • I started doing 1-1 private coaching in 2003. Let me teach that. 
  • I started monetizing group coaching in 2008. Made a couple hundred grand. Let me show others. 
  • I started marketing via teleseminars in 2009. Made another couple hundred grand. Let me share those secrets.
  • I started selling via webinars in 2012. Over the past 8 years, webinars have generated over 5 million dollars in revenue and grown my email list to 38,000. So let's break that down for you so that you can do the same.

See the pattern here?

1. I screw up (a lot)

2. Experiment, tweak, test, validate, implement, refine

3. Master and monetize the hell out of it

4. Teach others so they can skip steps 1 & 2 and jump to step 3!

Some people call this "selling shovels to gold miners" and feel it's sleazy for highly successful coaches to sell to other coaches or highly successful consultants to sell to consultants, which when you look at it logically, is complete bullshit. (Topic for another day...)

It's more like doctors teaching medical school. Only the best get to do that. 

And those doctors have seen every possible variation of symptoms, problems, and complications. They know the traps, missteps, and mistakes as well as the insights, shortcuts, latest cutting-edge treatments, and non-obvious practices that will help their interns become better practitioners and save more lives.  

So that's what I think about that.

If you want to see my "do - teach - do" loop in action, hop on this masterclass on Tuesday at 3pm US Eastern. It's very "meta" - it's my "High Fee Webinars" webinar that breaks down how I generate leads and sales with webinars. And how you can do the same, especially now in this current crisis.


David Newman, CSP的更多文章

