Watch "Secret Ingredients" for FREE this Weekend
Bonnie K. Brown - Mold Coach and Detox Specialist
I help people overcome Mold Illness (CIRS), Lyme Disease, and Complex Chronic Illness through science-based detoxification strategies personalized for their needs.
The 1 THING that the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic did for ME ... was to remind me just how important it was to improve my immune system and be proactive about my health. I know that I'm going to need it in the days, weeks, and months ahead. In fact, we ALL are. Right?
Join me as I learn what I can do to improve my overall health and well-being.
Please enjoy a free screening of the movie "Secret Ingredients" where you'll meet people whose chronic health conditions were reversed - or disappeared - just by making a few changes in their lifestyle. Major conditions that you might not guess would respond so dramatically.
Learn how you can upgrade your life, boost your health, and emerge from this challenging time transformed.
Here's to your good health!