Watch Out for Those Cryptocurrency Promotions ... Sometimes Fake, Other Times Not!
The last few days have been rather busy, and today I presented on machine learning and AI in Cyber Security at CRESTCon:
On a rather busy train home from London to Edinburgh, I was surfing Twitter, and noticed a few tweets where it looked as if I was liking crypto currencies:
The user "billatnapicer" has been created, but with zero followers and no-one to follow, and with three tweets. There are a few strange things in the message, too, such as with the т character and the small caps in "Wisнes":
Dear Users!
to support оur community and crypтocurrency holders we made a prоject!
yоu can use any exchаngе or walleт
Detаils bеlow:
bеst Wisнes!
The profile has not been fully copied, and the account has been created in April 2018:
I can say has never owned cryptocurrency, and would certainly never promote them for my own financial gain. John McAfee, though, did (getting paid $105K for promotions):
The following tweet from John made the cryptocurrent jump by 350%:
Why don't you come along to one of our forthcoming presentations, and I'll outline the full story of John's tweeting?