Watch out for these Scams and Spam Targeted to Small Businesses
As a Small Business Consultant, our team and I work with clients on their marketing efforts.?We have noticed an increase in Facebook phishing emails, Google My Business Scam Messages, and other scams targeted towards small business owners. ??
We couldn’t find a lot of information online on these specific scams, so we thought we needed to write a blog on our experiences.?If you have any additional examples, please let us know, so we can add those.?
Scammers are becoming more sophisticated...
Make sure you review online best practices with your team on a monthly basis and have a plan if something does happen.?In my corporate years, the company would constantly educate and test employees by sending fake emails to see if you would click on them.?I had years of training on what signs to look for – we understand that some business owners may not have that type of training.?If you aren’t sure if you are protected, reach out to a local computer consultant to test your security and vulnerabilities + review this blog for tips and resources.
We all hate to be scammed.
We hate that feeling of being tricked by someone we thought was genuine, resulting in us being cheated out of money, time, and/or effort. In the end, we are left feeling uneasy and wondering how we could have ever fallen for it.
How could we have ignored the signs? Well, most of the time we don’t notice the signs, or we don’t know what signs to even look out for. Some we know are a scam, such as calls about your car’s extended warranty or random calls from an organization that makes no sense for us to get.
Others are less obvious, and we may not even realize they are a risk, such as social media scams. Yes, those exist, and they can be a big danger to individuals and businesses.
This blog is to help you understand what to look out for to try and protect your business from these types of scams / spam + some general things to do to help protect you and your business online.
Facebook Spam and Phishing
Social media scams vary and can include people creating fake accounts or using compromised accounts to gain access to someone else’s social media account or personal information.
Spam occurs when people send bulk messages of unwanted content, normally a result of a scam. Check out Facebook's blog on how to avoid scams.
Here are some things to look out for to see if an email might be fake.
Emails may appear to be from legit companies but that does not mean they actually are.?
Google My Business Scam Messages
There have been a lot of scam attempts through Google My Business. We recently had way too many messages from scammers through clients' Google My Business Profiles. They usually follow the same patterns and say the same things but just with another name. Here are a few screenshots of those messages and tips on what to look for. You can also view more examples on Google Community Support.
What to look for:
Google My Business (GMB) Ownership Request
Spammers are trying to learn information for phishing purposes or to help them hack into applications or sites the business uses. For example, they learn the business owner's name and call the office and say the business owner asked for payment information or something along those lines.
They are also trying to take over Google My Business Profiles by sending an ownership request through Google. If you receive an email like the one below - don't panic - just need to login and decline the request. Make sure to review what we covered earlier to determine if the email is what it says it is!
If someone takes over your GMB or tries to multiple times, then report it with a 3rd party google violation report. If it happens on a regular basis - contact google support.
Here are some links to other places to learn about scams and ways to avoid those.
Today is unlike any year before us...
In terms of a hacker's ability to extract our information without us knowing it.?Network attacks can happen, and we need to make sure our companies have taken all necessary precautions.??
Hackers try to scan your computer to find a vulnerable port to break into.?You will not know – unless you have a system that detects the infiltration into your system.?Once they have access – they can take over your computer and have access to everything you have accessed.?
Many larger companies have been hit with ransomware, but they have teams of people with much larger budgets – most small businesses don’t.?
According to Kaspersky, “Ransomware is extortion software that can lock your computer and then demand a ransom for its release.”
This is scary.?Very scary.?If only these folks used their power for good…
They don’t - so let’s make sure we have assessed risks, have a plan, trained employees on the plan, and practiced the plan.?
Let’s hope it is not needed – but let’s be prepared – just in case it is.?
As we mentioned, if you don’t know what protections you have in place – reach out to your computer or IT person/team to find out. ?This is important stuff.
Here are a few tips:
As mentioned, scams and online security can be a big danger to you and your business. Make sure you are prepared.
We hope this article was helpful.?To review, let’s make sure to look for signs of scams as illustrated above, ask more questions to see if a message is real, change passwords often, verify information before clicking on a link or giving information to someone that called you (phone numbers can be spoofed easily too), and check your online security plan (or contact a computer consultant and create one). ??
NOTE:?This information is provided for informational purposes and is not and endorsement or referral of any person, company, or websites mentioned.
I am a victim since last monday, my fb account was hacked by a malware and as a cosequence I've lost my entire business. I tried absolutely everything and Facebook never responded. I am feeling a terrible depression. Thanks for sharing by the way.