Watch out for the leader around you..

Watch out for the leader around you..


We often miss the obvious taken up as we are with things that are packaged and marketed to attract. Same applies to leadership too.

Monday :9 am

The day had dawned with the usual bright searing sun without a spec of cloud in sight. My inner feelings were at scorch level as well as I looked at another unrewarding day at office. It was not that I was not doing well, in fact I was making a decent amount of money, it was however the nagging feeling I was not progressing my career the way it needed to be was eating away my peace.

Like all the ambitious guys in the office I too was taken up about becoming a leader. I had heard consultants, attended seminars, read books on leaderships. All had some valid points but left me with a nagging doubt that if all these experts were so good at leading why on earth, they were writing books about leadership than leading themselves? I had that bad feeling that the ones talking the most about leadership were probably embellishing their work based on some other person and the real leaders seldom cared to speak about themselves.

My rambling thoughts came to an abrupt stop as a tall dark man thin as a reed wrapped in a dirty shawl suddenly stood in my way with an upraised arm that held a stout stick, I came to my senses with a start and jammed on the brakes of my car. God, I hadn’t realized I had been driving on reflex all the while my mind was busy with these thoughts.

I buzzed down my window to yell at him, but he had already turned his back and I saw a black and brown ocean of scruffy sheep crossing the road before me. I honked to no result and finally gritted my teeth and waited.

Someone tapped on the passenger side window, and I saw slim fair man in his sixties with friendly eyes that seem to see thru you smiling at me, he gestured me to get my window down.

When I did so after checking there was no donation box in his hand, he said.

‘You will find an answer to your questions if you visit the sanyasi (monk) who sits atop the Paras hill.

I gaped at him but before I could ask him further questions, he abruptly turned and vanished into the crowd.

The constant scream of horns behind me from other angry drivers brought me to my senses with a jerk and I engaged gear and drove off.?

Tuesday: 7 am

The sun was yet to reach its full intensity as the day was young yet. I was already sweating, however. Not because of the weather but because I was walking on a narrow road in part wilderness, and I cursed myself for the Nth time for the whim that had made me take the journey to Paras hill. My car (already old) had stalled mid-way, and I was forced to proceed on foot on this lonely road.

As I continued my weary walk, I suddenly heard a sound of many feet walking lightly behind me. On turning I saw a large herd of sheep almost on me, I jumped aside to let them pass, covering my nose and mouth to avoid the dust they had kicked up, at the end came the tall dark sullen shepherd with a stout stick on his shoulder. I stared at him and wondered whether it was a coincidence that the I was meeting him a second time in two days.

Soon they passed away and I resumed my walk. I heard a car behind me and happily turned. A gleaming sedan hissed to a stop next to me. As the window came down, I saw a middle-aged woman seated behind the driver. I recognized her instantly as one of the most prominent business leaders in the state and recipient of many awards and recognitions.

‘Do you know the way to Sidhapore?’ She snapped at me.

The driver added,’ Sir we need to get the turn before Paras hill. If you can point us the way, we will manage.’

?At this the lady turned on the poor driver yelling ‘fool why did you not check the route beforehand, I will now miss my appointment and probably lose a good sales contract.’

I pointed out the way to the hill and she shut the window and the car took off in a cloud of dust. It was then I realized that she could have at least taken me part way.

I walked on, the path became narrower and started winding. I again heard the sound of a car behind me and turned. There came a much smaller car driven by a good-looking man in his early forties. He was in a suit and seemed going for some event. I waved my hand and he stopped.

'I can drop you halfway to the hill as I am taking another route to the coaching session I need to chair. 'He said.

I recognized him as a prominent life and leadership coach who was much sought after by corporates. I introduced myself and asked him.

‘I have been looking for some insights to effective leadership, I am fortunate that I have this opportunity to talk to you and get some important insights on leadership, can you help’?

‘Look friend’, he said,’ this is finally business, what I say costs money and I do not give it away free. If you are willing to pay for my time, I can do something. ‘

The rest of the journey was taken in silence and he dropped me near the hill I was seeking and sped away to his appointment.

As I was about to begin my climb I halted and stared. Part way up the hill was the shepherd I had met earlier and his flock of sheep behind him. I guessed he must have had a shorter way to the top I did not know of. He soon vanished from my sight as he climbed up.

Tuesday 5 pm

The sun was on its evening descent now, I was hungry and tired but having come this far continued the climb up the hill. It was not too difficult, and I soon reached the top. I saw a small hut with a thatched roof. An old man was seated outside gazing at some distant spot in the horizon.

Something about him was vaguely familiar and I got the feeling I had met him before.

I offered him respects with folded hands and sitting before him began.

“I was told that…”

‘Aah ..leadership is your goal’ , he laughed.

I sat stunned that he knew what I had come for.

The sage continued.’ Why you already met one today! What more do you want? Just be the one.’

I sat confused.

‘But I met two people both of whom are poor examples of leaders, they have just superficial qualities that the world sees as leadership’ I said.

‘No No , you met a third person also’, he laughed.

I gaped, ‘you mean the shepherd is the leader??’

‘Of course,’ he said.

‘You met him 3 times. The first time he stopped you while his flock of sheep crossed the road, first sign of a leader who watches over his people.

The next time you saw him while you were on the road. Then the flock was before him and he was following, like a true leader who allows his people find their path while keeping a watch.

Finally, you met him on the hill. Here he was in the lead with the flock as the climb was dangerous, a true leader leading the way on difficult ground.’

‘No more he continued I have to meditate not. Go’ he ordered

As I turned to go, I heard a bleat, turning, I saw a flock of sheep in a small clearing behind the hut! Near them was the long staff of the shepherd as well!

It was only when I was at the foot of the hill it finally came to my mind why the hermit had looked familiar. It was the man who had tapped on my door a day back!


With gratitude to Leo Tolstoy ……………………


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