Watch 20 Interviews & Highlight Videos from the One Water Summit on The Water Show! Special Edition!
Dr. Cat Shrier, Ph.D., P.G.
Founder/CEO, WaterCitizen.Org 501(c)3 & WaterPitch! ? Water Startup Matching Extravaganza? | Transforming Water Experts Into Changemakers | Champion For Women Of Water | Producer/Host of Water Summits/Podcasts/Events
NOW AVAILABLE at Our "Special Edition" Coverage of the One Water Summit (including the US Water Prize), with exclusive one-on-one interviews with many of the most interesting people within the world of water!
* US Water Alliance Board Chair Kevin Shafer (Milwaukee Metropolitan Wastewater District) on the streamlined board and new directions for the US Water Alliance, and how beer from recycled wastewater helps convey One Water concepts
* Atlanta Director of Sustainability Stephanie Stuckey Benfield on the evolution of Atlanta's Mayor Kasim Reed from a state legislator who "voted the right way" to an international leader on climate & sustainability as an economic driver for Atlanta
* Let There Be Water Author Seth M. Siegel on Israel's model for changing national water consciousness and his upcoming book on water policy
* Getting to know New Water for People CEO Eleanor Allen on new approaches to water philanthropy and ways of meeting UN Sustainable Development Goal #6 "Ensure access to water and sanitation for all"
* Mayors Stephanie Miner (Syracse, NY) and John Dickert (Racine, WI) on the critical role mayors play at the front lines of water infrastructure and climate change
* Mercedes-Benz Stadium GM Scott Jenkins on the soon-to-be Superbowl Host's quest to become the first Leed Platinum Stadium and the green sports movement
* Newark (NJ) Water & Sewer Utilities Director Andrea Hall Adebowale and Darryl Haddock, West Atlanta Watershed Alliance on talking about race & equity issues in water, as well as the importance of recognizing the increased diversity among the leaders in water PLUS PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell's EXCELLENT definition of equity
* Commissioner Frank Avila, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, in a special 2-part interview on poop and pee and going vegan at 78!
PLUS a preview of our behind-the-scenes tour on film at the Georgia Aquarium (the world's largest and most interactive aquarium - and the host of this year's US Water Prize awarded to DC Water, Emory's WaterHUB and DOW), clips from panel discussions, and more!
Watch It NOW on The Water Show! (
A Better Way of Telling Water Engineering Stories?
During the One Water Plenary Session on "Elevating Water as a National Priority, Moderator & Reporter Sarah Gardner made an observation that is often-heard in mainstream media, to the effect that water stories often include "engineering stories," and that she and "her audience" don't understand engineering and wouldn't be interested in it, so it becomes necessary for journalists to find other ways of telling these stories (e.g. price).
At WaterCitizen, we have found that people ARE interested in engineering stories - and often become quite knowledgable on engineering issues when the issues are important to them - as we illustrated years ago in our video "NOLA KNOWS WATER"
Engineering - and especially Civil Engineering - is about taking science and technology and APPLYING it to SOCIETY - including considerations of policy and law, economics and finance, social issues and institutional infrastructure, history and culture - ALL of that is part of EVERY engineering story. As engineers, we may not learn to communicate those more interesting aspects of water stories - which is part of why the WaterCitizen Media Foundation works to provide tools, courses, coaching and masterminds for water professionals who want to communicate better about water.
There is, however, a role to be played by communications professionals in finding the stories are aren't being told, and coming up with ways to tell those stories. As we talked about on The Water Show! with Peter O'Brien of the Environmental Film Fest of the Nation's Capital, there are so many new ways of telling stories - including stories on "technical" issues - using new technologies and technqiues, from drones to data visualization - as we've seen on better quality programs on science and technical topics on The Discovery Channel, in documentaries, and the like.
WaterCitizen was founded, in part, because of our belief that there is a need for Water Journalism (as we talked about in our 2012 AWWA technical poster) - with new approaches to telling water stories - and yes, that includes engineering stories! .
Voting for Better Media on Water With YOUR Dollars
During the same panel, PolicyLink Executive Director Angela Glover Blackwell suggested a need to vote for better media coverage.
You have that opportunity to vote for better media on water - WITH YOUR DOLLARS. The WaterCitizen Media Foundation supports people passionate about water ("Water Citizens") communicate and connect with each other about their passion in an impactful way through new media. To provide that support so that people passionate about water can make the impact they desire, we focus on 3 key elements:1) platforms, outlets, and media products created by people who "get" water 2) knowledge of new media and how to use it - for our own programs as well as supporting WaterCitizens to use new media themselves 3) access to a receptive audience who have already shown an interest in water
Achieving these goals will take resources and especially support from the Water Community. If you want better Water Journalism and Water Media, please consider supporting the WaterCitizen Media Foundation. Whether you are making a donation or purchasing a product or service, your support will enable us to create higher quality media platforms, outlets and media products; to provide more opportunities for WaterCitizens to learn about new media and how to use it; and to reach, attract, and cultivate new members of the water community from among people who have already shown enthusiasm for water. WaterCitizen Media Foundation is a fiscally-sponsored program of United Charitable, a 501(c)(3) public charity. Views expressed here are not necessarily those of WaterCitizen Media Foundation or United Charitable. For more information on WaterCitizen Media Foundation and to provide YOUR support --> CLICK HERE:
Special Episodes are being planned for each event during the Grand Tour
* Capitol Hill Ocean Week (DC June 7 only - event June 7-9)
* One Water Summit (Atlanta June 8-10)
* Water Summit (Milwaukee June 14-15)
* AWWA Annual Conference & Expo (Chicago June 19-22)
* Western Water Workshop (Gunnison, CO June 22-24)(tentative)
As a special introductory offer for sponsors of The Water Show! Special Edition!, we are offering Basic and Premium Sponsorships at more than 50% off the regular amounts - but ONLY if you get your sponsorship before the start of AWWA ACE (Sunday, June 19!). Find out more about the benefits of sponsorship - and sign up TODAY! ONLY FOUR (4) SPONSORSHIP SPOTS AVAILABLE PER EVENT!