Wasted Money! Travel Ball Haters-What Are Benefits?
Kelly Ahrens
Founder @ Test and Train Sports/Stars and Stripes Sports | Sports Testing, Training and Development Services/Land & Notes, LLC
I often read so many negative comments from people (coaches, instructors, mom's, dad's and others) about how much money is "Wasted" on traveling to play baseball or any other sport where families travel to compete.
Haters Are Going to Hate!
First thing haters do is "generalize" and comment on a post or article about an event or tournament that a player or team played in halfway across the country. Why would any family blow their hard earn money on this stupid? Newsflash, your son is not going to make it to the Major Leagues! Don't you know that your son has a very small chance of even playing college baseball and if you would put that money that you blow in an investment account over the years it would pay for their college..............
Crazy Parents Putting Pressure On Their Kids- Living Through Their Kids!
These parents are just living through their kids. Crazy as hell chasing dreams and just wearing their kids out. They are spending all this money and screaming and yelling at their son to win a $2.00 trophy. It is ridiculous that these ignorant parents are so misguided and misinformed about spending every other weekend away from home to play ball. My goodness, they can play baseball here in our hometown for a fraction of the cost and they do not even have to waste all of the time, money or travel they do when playing on a travel team.
World Series? National Teams? All American Teams? How Stupid Can One Be as I Hate Seeing All Of These Posts about Little Johnny Winning A Championship at a "World Series" Event!
Don't these foolish parents understand there are just a bunch of money grabbers out there putting on events to grab your hard earned dollars? You must have fallen and hit your head to be so nieve to allow these people to get rich at your expense while truly not giving you anything of value.
Everyone now has an All American Team or a National Team or is a World Series Champion. Every weekend in the summer there is a World Series, what makes one different from the other? I am so disturbed to see Little Johnny traveling all over the country participating in these events.
Wait a Minute- Could There Be Any Value To Participating In An Event Like This or Playing On A National Team?
Contrary to the Haters point of view there is more information and details that need to be considered, however, you will never see a hater focus on any of the benefits or even begin to recognize any value for an experience such as playing on a Stars and Stripes Sports National Team.
Are all these families stupid? Aren't the haters really just calling all of these families stupid and ignorant to the facts as they know it or are the haters really the ones that are misinformed and ignorant of the value of playing on a National Team? Maybe, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye because the media only allows for the "negative" and "crazy" to come out because that is what our society is attracted to.
This Is How We Do It! Pioneering The Experience.
I can not speak for any other organization or company who provides a similar service as Stars and Stripes Sports does. There are many great companies out there and of course, there are many companies who fall short of providing reputable services. They should not all fall into one bucket to be analyzed as a similar service as no one company is the same as the other.
Stars and Stripes Sports, is a trusted and proven brand providing services to "committed" families who are looking for development and guidance. Stars and Stripes Sports has serviced thousands of families across the United States and provides ongoing support and resources. Stars and Stripes Sports provides the highest level of accountability and development opportunities as it has mastered a unique development approach. Stars and Stripes Sports specializes in a player and human development.
Stars and Stripes Sports has formed National Teams for the past 10 years that have played in tournaments across the United States. These teams are made up of players from multiple states who do not initially know one another. The spirit of these events is to provide an environment that is focused on developing the player and the families to better understand how to be a good teammate and to become a part of a family who can provide support and resources through the player's development journey.
The picture used in this article is a group of kids who came from Arizona, Montana, Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, who participated in a tournament in Christiansburg, VA. The 12U group has about 25 total players that play on this team with 11 of them participating in any one weekend. Some players play only in one event and others play in multiple events during a Spring or Fall Season. We have 5 events to choose from in the Fall and 5 events to choose from in the Spring.
The kids and the families get to meet like-minded families who are looking for an experience that can put confidence in their kids and prepare them for the future, not just in baseball but in life. They are learning life skills that will provide them a foundation to build on that is otherwise not afforded by just playing on the local team in the local market.
Breaking Down The Walls and Barriers
I often see good kids who lack confidence and who lack the proper development because of the box that has been built around them. Their local team does everything the same way each weekend, and at practices not providing the proper periodization in training necessary for the player to develop properly.
Our weekend starts with a "gathering" and "workout" at the hotel on the Friday Night before the weekend tournament we are participating in. We do some hitting, fielding, work on 1st and 3rd situations, and provide specialty training such as Grip Strength training and specialized agility drills targeted to the specificity of baseball training.
Each player has to stand in front of the group and clearly state their name, where they are from, what position(s) they play and who their favorite player is. We do this multiple times on the weekend so they learn the skill of speaking in front of a group and so they get to know one another. You can visibly see the confidence grow as we go through this process. We make them introduce their mom, dad, and siblings and other things that require them to be interactive and to share their family with the group.
Fellowship and Fun
After our workout in the parking lot of the hotel, we then either order pizza in the lobby or go to eat as a group. This is crucial in team building and to break the ice. You can really begin to see the kids be kids and have fun while learning some social skills. We make them repeat key elements that Stars and Stripes Sports insist on teaching. 1. Play Fearless- We ask the players to give their best effort, full of energy without fear of making a mistake, we tell them not to leave a throw short, throw it in the parking lot and break a car windshield. 2. Have Fun- No other team is allowed to have more fun than us, at any time if I see a player beating themselves up we quickly remind them of having fun 3. What is the most important pitch? - The Next One- We want them to learn the skill to play fearless and not take a bad swing or play in the field to the next play. Focus on the next pitch and make the next play.
Once we have a few hours together at the hotel lobby eating pizza or at the local restaurant, I begin to meet the parents and spend time with them analyzing their view of their child and to review the Stars and Stripes Sports process. Parent Rule- If you do not have anything good to say, do not say it at all. If you embarrass your son, I will embarrass you. Do not argue a call or speak to another coach or player on the other team. The only thing you can do is clap for your son and root for all the other teammates, not just your son.
By Saturday AM, the kids are full of energy and ready to give their best effort to play fearless. Parents realize these kids are giving more effort and are more excited than ever to play in this enviornment opposed to playing on their normal travel team. We bat all players present and no player sits out more than one inning at a time and most every player will pitch. It will be a team process and we will promote the value of the entire team doing things together with all parties having to contribute. Yes, we have some disparity with some players being a lot better than others but they all were in the initial phase at some point and time and those veterans quickly learn leadership and the ability to assist the new player who is struggling because they are trying too hard and pressing.
Learning How To Compete and To Adjust
The players now have to learn how to make adjustments as they are playing for a professional coach who does not have a son on the team and they have to be concerned about doing their job which is a different assignment than the one they receive back home. They are typically playing in a different position and hitting in a different spot in the line up than they do at home, they quickly have to adjust.
They are miles away from home and they do not recognize the field, complex, their teammates nor their environment. Heck, they could have just got off the plane less than 24 hours sooner and navigated the LA Airport for their first time flying and then drive in traffic they have only seen on TV. They are not in Kansas anymore and they find themselves facing a pitcher who is throwing harder than the ones back home and now they are fielding a ball on a surface they have never played on before.
As a pitcher for Stars and Stripes Sports we do not allow any curveballs to be thrown at 12U and younger, they can only throw fastballs and changeups. The perfect outing for Stars and Stripes Sports is ...No Strikeouts and No Walks! We want them to be efficient, throw strikes and challenge the hitters while learning to change speeds and hit their spots. We want them to learn to pitch to contact and not try to do too much on their own.
Our pitchers typically throw around 50 pitches in an outing at most. If they throw more than 35 pitches on Saturday they are done for the weekend. Most every weekend every player pitches or 90% do. It is a total team effort and we do not want to make someone feel they have to do it all themselves.
Positive Reinforcement and Instruction
We challenge the players to provide their best effort and arrogance or entitlement will not be tolerated in our environment. I tell them I never want to question their effort and they will be in good shape, however, if I question their effort then they are going to have a tough weekend and they will conform to our philosophies or they will not be back! We are rewarding effort and approach and constantly telling them to play Fearless. Coaches are not screaming about them making an error but will challenge them in the teachable moment if they did not approach the play in a fearless manner.
Regardless of the result of play we hype of the effort and all the good movements and anticipation shown on the field. We make sure they know their assignments and teach them the proper way to manage a situation. I take the blame for the loss or a play or situation that was not executed properly but we make note of it and teach proper approach for the next time they are presented with that situation.
I provide an in-depth Player Evaluation report that allows them to see feedback from me or the coach of their team. From a professional coach who does not have a son on the team and who has proven the ability to develop players. This evaluation becomes the first building block for the player to use in their quest to reach their full potential.
Continued Progressive Development
We have our own player development platform where we allow the player to retain contact with our coaches and we address and follow development to the areas where help is needed. Each player receives a daily athletic performance survey so we can track their recovery and intensity in training while they are playing with their local travel team.
We keep up with every pitch that is made and every ache and pain they may have so we are prepared for the day they come and participate at one of our events. We are able to communicate directly with the player via our app and to track progression in the areas we have identified and just to be there for general conversations about what they are encountering back home.
Everyone anxiously awaits the next event and we pick up right where we left off at the previous tournament in providing progressive development instruction where we can see the progression of each athlete. We provide sport testing services to benchmark their skills and to benchmark their hitter handicap in order to be able to prove and be accountable for progression in their game. Players do not think of not doing their homework or being an excellent student as we require that for them to wear the S on their chest! We make sure the players know the parents are sacrificing financially for their benefit and they need to make the most out of the event.
Value Received versus Cost and Expense
Stars and Stripes Sports charges $295 per player per weekend or event that they play in. Players can play in one event or multiple events and must secure their roster spot so we can have 11 players. Not looking for more than 12 players and no less than 10 per event.
Parents have to pay for their travel expense, hotel and gate into the event as required by the tournament director. A professionally qualified coach who does not have a son on the team is hired to coach the team. These coaches are more than just coaches of the sport, they are proven instructors and confidence builders who know how to build confidence in the players. a Qualified Coach is one that has played or coached or is playing or coaching at a collegiate or professional level. Every coach is screened an approved by me. They must execute a coaches contract understanding our values.
Parents do not have to worry about a Dad having an agenda and batting his son third and playing him at shortstop. All players are treated equally and the coaches are developing the entire team. The players are going to learn how to compete and how to become a good teammate, returning home as a better player and person to their primary team with a recognizable amount of increased confidence.
The parents learn to root for other players and to cheer the entire team on, building relationships that remind them of their childhood days. Kids now have pen pals who Instagram and Facebook one another and who share their local experiences. They all leave with a team that supports them as well as an organization that provides continual support and resources
Who is Stars and Stripes Sports?
Stars and Stripes Sports is made up of families and professionals from all over the country. We have had thousands of players play for our National Teams and at our flagship year-end event The Winter World Championships in Orlando Florida Dec 26-31 each year.
Stars and Stripes Sports has impacted many former MLB players and coaches who have coached teams or has been a part of our program for us currently or in the past. Conversations with Hall Of Famers and current Big Leaguers keeps us on the radar of organizations from amateur status all the way to the big leagues. There are several current professional players who played in our events on our teams still following their dreams. We are excited to be a small part of their development.
The majority of our players play College Baseball but only a small percentage end up at a Division 1 School. Many come back and coach teams for us at our events and learn how to teach and instruct as a part of our program as we give an opportunity to people all over the country. We have "State" teams in California, Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, etc. all people who love what we do and want to carry the brand.
You will not see our site full of notable people who can lure or bait clients to our program thinking we are responsible for everyone's success. We are not like the other programs whom aggressive advertise all the big names and what they have done in assisting so many people to the next level. Our families share their experiences and we grow from our production of impacting families. We are here to provide opportunity, support, and resources to any committed player or family who wants to be a part of a family that cares and proves their value, day in and day out.
Stars and Stripes Sports are the good guys, we are hard working professionals and families who want to earn our place in the system. We do not feel entitled or better than anyone else and we thrive most by being called a good teammate. Everyone who has ever played or coached in our organization has helped and contributed. We value collaboration and the input from all as that this how we all learn and adjust. Our families fundraise and budget carefully to afford participation on these teams.
End Result
Contrary to what you will read in the dozens of articles about how crazy the idea of Travel Baseball is, there are organizations providing great benefit. If you value family and want to spend quality time investing in a process that can teach, there are suitable options.
Planning vacations around baseball tournaments or events are no different from planning a trip to the beach, mountains or theme parks, heck, most of the time you can find an event to incorporate those in as well.
Haters.... You can sit home and never leave your hometown, never see the United States and all the beautiful places, meet and make great lifelong friendships, open up tremendous amount of doors that would never open up without the experience, see your children grow up and learn skills that will provide value for the rest of their life, see and better understand the challenges in the game and in life to squirrel that money away in the college fund.
When your child is about to go to College and experience the world for the first time in a new town, with new faces and temptations and no longer henpecked by their parents you might rethink their preparation for life. I am sure you will be proud their college is paid for due to restricting participation on the silly National Tea and they are going to get a good education as paid by your diligent deposit of funds that you would for sure put in your investment account 10 times a year without fail.
I do caution you to understand their adjustment from High School to College away in a different town or state away from their warm fuzzy bubble that you created may provide challenges for the rest of your life. The money that was spent on their education will not fill the gap in their overall development as a person they could have received with participation on a National Team.
No, they may not get a baseball scholarship or play professional baseball, who cares? That is not the objective of the program and is only presented by haters who think....think they have all the answers. Winning a 12U Championship as our team did in Christiansburg, VA may be the highlight of their career. No one will be able to take the memory away nor remove the relationships intacthttps://starsandstripessports.populr.me/national-team-master from that special event.
I give this promise to the parents that get involved with our program so you can think about this and feel free to challenge the ability to actually make this happen as we have honored this statement for over 10 years.
"I want to be able to throw your son out of an airplane and wherever he lands I want him to be able to play for any type of coach he might come across, play with any type of teammate he may encounter, to effectively play any position in any role that he may be asked to play while being the best teammate possible." Kelly Ahrens, Founder-Stars and Stripes Sports, LLC
IACCP Certified Compliance Professional
2 周Travel ball is excessive. It cost our team over $20k to fund our 60+ game schedule (insane). That does not include the $2k in club fees, $500 for jerseys, and $400 bat. Anyone who says the benefits are greater than the "money grab" is lying to you. Even if my son gets a full ride to Texas I will never see a positive ROI from the $$ we are spending on travel ball. Unfortunately, there are few other options anymore.
Technical Recruiter- My mission is to put as many people in the right opportunity to better themselves! "A Recruiter For The People"
7 年That's a bad look.
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