Wasted Days on Emails
Crystal Newton
46Solutions ? IT Professional ? Cybersecurity Provider ? A/V Integrator ? Marketing Enthusiast
Have you ever finished up a lengthy meeting, just to see your inbox is full - again? Yeah, me too.
According to a survey of 1,000 decision-makers, one-third of staff are spending so much time on email, that it adds up to nearly the equivalent of one day a week.
Wow. But as crazy as this figure sounds, I can believe it – can you?
There are so many ways to communicate at work, yet email remains a favorite. The survey shows 61% of people prefer to use email over tools like Teams or What'sApp.
And yet 70% of people believe email is one of the biggest productivity drains! We seem to have a weird love/hate relationship with email. We spend inordinate amounts of time keeping our inboxes clear. Which does give us a dopamine hit and makes us feel good.
But who hasn’t switched on their laptop on a Monday morning and instantly felt their heart plummet when they’ve seen how many emails are waiting for them?
The original survey, run by a company that makes a tool to make email easier, revealed:
· 70% of people believe email is one of the biggest productivity drains.
· 73% say too much time is spent trying to find emails. This one is totally me.
· And here’s a shock – 62% of people keep hard copies of emails – printouts. What??
Here’s what I think.
I believe all businesses should do a productivity analysis, and consider clever tools that make it easier to manage email. Or alternatives for internal communication, such as Teams. I love Teams!
We are in a golden age for software right now. Any problem you have, there will be a solution already in place, and already being trusted by thousands of people.
You must first admit you have the problem and be open to trying the solution recommended by experts.
Maybe your computers are frustratingly slow. Or you're struggling to work-from-home properly, as your IT setup doesn’t make it easy for anyone to safely access any data on any device. Maybe you need streamlined business phones.
Whatever problems you and your team may be facing right now, we can suggest a solution to will help. Many Lexington businesses trust us to keep their teams safe and productive every day.
We don’t just support our clients. We partner with them in every way we can. Getting involved in every aspect of their business where we can add value and make everyone’s lives easier. Including putting in place appropriate software to help them work more efficiently every day … without technology ever getting in the way.
If you don’t have this kind of partnership with your IT support company, let’s jump on a video call for 15 minutes. I'm getting ready to celebrate one year with 46Solutions and if there's anything I've learned, it's just how much we all rely on technology for everyday business - internet, email, scanners (your cell phone is a scanner now - crazy). Technology works best when professionals integrate it and make it work for a business - instead of the business working their way around technology. And that's what we do best.