Waste – When Will We Reduce, Recycle, Reuse It?
The Playground of the Future?

Waste – When Will We Reduce, Recycle, Reuse It?

While government agencies, corporations, and global conferences controlled by multinationals promise to make things better in the far-off future, landfills continue to grow. Will they become the only open spaces left in an overpopulated world?


My friend showed me his box of cookies. It was only filled two thirds of the way. My bag of daily made chips at a local store was in a plastic bag about 30% larger than necessary. The bottle of vitamins was halfway filled. A display rack of apples and oranges in plastic bags was marked at a special price. Two standard bed pillows came in a box that was higher than my waist and horizontally larger than the pillows. If the makers of products don’t care about the wasted material, send them a comment on their website that mentions the wasted money. Don’t buy wrapped produce. Shop where you can select the quantity and quality of the produce you’re buying. You can think of many ways to reduce waste.

We used to turn worn out jeans into cutoffs for summer wear. Now, you can probably sell them online for more than you paid in the first place. People grow and, sometimes, shrink. They throw away clothing. Instead of taking them to a place that will resell them and offer no benefit to anyone, donate them (clean and in good condition) to a shelter. A good amount of food waste makes fine compost that you can use to produce some food yourself. Your kids outgrew their bikes? There are groups that will fix them up and give them to kids who have no bikes. When wildfires take everything from people, how much in your home is more than you need or use? You can think of many beneficial ways to recycle.

If you go on YouTube, you can find out almost anything. There’s a video to show you how to change the size of a box to fit something smaller when you’re sending something. Those “good” boxes you just can’t stand to throw out can be made into custom sizes and can be stored flat in the meantime. You needed to print a one-sided document? The other side is “scratch paper.” People used to have “junk drawers” with things that might be needed some day. When I forgot to keep my visor clip when I traded in a car, my son had a new one from scrap metal in a couple minutes. The mountain of mashed potatoes was more than enough? Have you ever tried potato pancakes? Leftover creativity is the ultimate reuse challenge. You can think of many ways to reuse items.

Challenge yourself. Let’s keep some open space open for the future.



