Are waste materials really burden for people or just for environment?
Today we are facing with huge amount of waste materials that are more and more complex to recycle. It is truly shame since there is so many smart people on this planet and we all know what is more right and more wrong but still middle citizens do not think what the consequences will be; they have interested in only current benefit without investing any will to save the planet.
All starts in the shop. We have a choice to use plastic or paper bag. I observed many times and people really do not care. Many people take cheaper even if there is only 0.01€ difference, or they do not pay attention they just grab plastic one that is closer to reach. Therefore, what is the damage on environment and what is the waste of energy for this mistake that result in 0.01€ in the beginning.
It is the same with LED’s that are my profession… people don’t care, they buy worse than CCFL just because it is cheap??? They do not save energy but do not care, do not understand, just looking price?
First of all dear readers, in our classic communal system plastic bag will finish together with many other garbage on one place, mixed also with organic remains. This will lead to bacteriological impurities so this kind of waste is hard to clean before we use it in further recycling process.
How much water is going to be to clean it up? How many liquids to disinfect it? In addition, what is the final recycling process for these liquids? How many electrical energy to dry it and finally it is prepared for recycling?
This is only for simple, light plastic bag that is all around… what about other waste materials. Since people do not care really, they do not apply CAUSE – CONSEQUENCE system. All of us should do some operation more, and at the end of day even earn money from that, but… somehow there is not enough will to do it.
If we would, take care and proper separate waste at home already, and take care on cleaning, drying (on wind, room temperature,…) then to establish municipality garbage collection according to fine separation at home, there would be huge benefit.
For instance, I am doing like that at home already for one year. Of course, we all do not have the same space, so you can do it normally in smaller quantity.
GLASS separated in white, green, brown, blue.
PAPER and CARTON separated
PET (clear and colored) separated from PP and HDPE
AL cans and IRON cans as well separated
Let say around 12 fractions but you can collect less or more, depends on your possibilities and will. You can also organize yourself and collect few days only glass, then cans then PP, depending on your weekly usage of goods.
When I decide to have enough fractions I drive them to ECOSYNERGY SYSTEM center (since it is quite far away from my home) and get ECO-coupons. Then I use coupons to buy new welfare, like smartphone, windows for house, lightbulbs, or food, but at much lower cost than regular price for the same product in classic store.
Among the price benefit for end user, there is also advantage for environment for instance in huge reduction of clean water, energy and CO2 emissions. So how this is possible, where is the rabbit?
There is no special trick just simple physic and basic economy process. Since there is no mixed waste but already strictly sorted (>98% the same material, no bacterial infections,…) material, we can sell this material to recycling company and they have absolutely no cost for sorting. They got more than 98% material they need and this is perfect for recycling industry.
Since ECO sell them, pure raw material the cost for single ton is much, much higher than if waste is unsorted. Difference is nice indeed.
Why the wheel is not moving, even it is on the slope and pure surface
Where are we today with all precious knowledge, science, learning from mistakes of previous generations? Where are our municipalities, state and all directors/players in backstage…
It is hard to say, but we must be active, must have will to save the planet. Some of us because we feel a part of nature and others for money, but we all have the same call for help from our mother earth.
We have enough knowledge, now let us get the will we need and start moving the wheel.
Each of us is a part of mosaic that will save the planet, and we have power to force companies to produce more simple packaging, made from better materials, we decide what we will buy and who do we believe.
Saving planet starts in our minds, our minds move our bodies, and 8 billion of bodies can change the future for sure. Be a part of moving bodies and start living for your life and life of your children.
With respect to all of the people that care and the one that will start to care for planet,
Bla? Bratov?