The Wasp On The Window

The Wasp On The Window

As I sat in the coffee shop I was observing a wasp grow ever-more tired as he constantly climbed up and all over the inside of the windowpane.

To him, it had to be so perplexing and frustrating to be on a two-dimensional plane when his senses say it should be wide open space to freedom and home.

Sadly, he alluded capture the first time, and as it is a wasp, one does not tempt fate too many times. His hard work and desperation to solve this puzzle were not getting him anywhere.

His awareness won’t allow him to comprehend just how dire his situation is. I mean freedom is just 1/4 of an inch away!

If a divine intervention doesn’t happen, if a higher power doesn’t intervene, it will die in a hot sunlit corner of the window. The hive will never see him again.

I have that power. The power to change the trajectory of his life. A power he has no awareness of. He doesn’t even know of my existence.

With my cup and lid in hand, I tried again. This time successfully and set him free. Much to the delight of the agitated patrons near the window of the coffee shop.

I can relate to this wasp’s window experience.

The journey I’m on offers up seemingly endless glimpses into what is possible. It often looks like a direct flight to what should be a fantastic result of one’s efforts.

However, I have found myself flying into countless windows over the years and wondering why everything looks so great but for some inexplicable reason, I just can’t get...over there!

“Go left! No! Your other left!” “Go right!” “Go up!” “Go down!” “Try going diagonally this time!” “You are almost there!” “Fly at it with more force!”

Yeah, you’ve heard it all too! The wise sage from all the gurus and well-meaning “window” experts.

However, when I reflect on all my “window” experiences, just like my friend the wasp, divine intervention occurred.

Surrender doesn’t sound manly or anything close to being in control of one’s life. But “letting go” is often the most powerful thing you can do.

Pushing, doing and beating your head against the window can cause you to feel very much a failure, alone, frustrated and resentful. I call it “window pain.”

The windows of life can show up as relationships, in your business, your finances and/or your health.

Give yourself the gift of getting around those that can give you a fresh perspective. Let go of how it has to be. Higher a coach to be the metaphorical “cup and lid” to help transport you away from the window to the reality and freedom you want to experience.

You can only be on the two-dimensional window for just so long or you will die trying to change a reality you cannot change.

Your awareness got you to this point. That’s a good thing. But you need fresh eyes to help you navigate to a new awareness and a new reality.

Breathe deep, surrender to what is, and trust the Universe to divinely guide you to escape the current window you are experiencing.

The answers will come.

You’ve got this!

Be Remarkable!

Dwayne Klassen

DM me if you are tired of all the windows you keep hitting. Let’s set up a powerful conversation about your next breakthrough...I’ve got your back!

And the “cup and lid”! ????



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