WASNJ|Month of September in Kindergarten

WASNJ|Month of September in Kindergarten

In the enchanting world of kindergarten, where curiosity knows no bounds and friendships blossom, September at WASNJ Kindergarten was all about "MYSELF."?The young kindergarteners embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, celebrating their unique qualities and embracing the essence of individuality.

The first week of September saw these bright-eyed learners mastering the art of self-introduction. They learned to confidently share their names, interests, and little snippets of their lives, making those initial connections that lay the foundation for lasting friendships.

But kindergarten is more than just knowing your own name; it's also about understanding emotions and recognizing the feelings of others.?Our little ones delved into the realm of empathy and compassion, discovering how important it is to be considerate of their friends' emotions.?They learned that kindness is a language spoken by all, and that a comforting hug or a reassuring smile can make someone's day brighter.

Respect was another cornerstone of their learning journey.?Boundaries became clear as the children understood the importance of keeping their hands to themselves while also using their hands for positive actions.?They discovered that their hands were tools for helping, sharing, creating, and so much more.

Exploring the five senses opened up new avenues of discovery. From the sweet scent the flowers from our garden to freshly made yummy mooncakes to the soft touch of a plush teddy bear, kindergarteners harnessed their senses to learn and grow.?They realized that their senses were like windows to the world, helping them make sense of the fascinating universe around them.

Taking care of one's body was another crucial lesson imparted in September. These young minds learned the importance of nourishing their bodies with nutritious food and keeping active to stay healthy.?It was a lesson in self-love, teaching them that their bodies were precious and deserving of care and attention.

The pinnacle of the month's activities was Crazy Hair Day on September 22, an event that brought out the inner artist in every child. With the loving support of their parents, the kindergarteners transformed their hair into unique, eye-catching masterpieces.?Crazy colors, wacky styles, and imaginative accessories adorned their heads, turning the kindergarten into a vibrant canvas of self-expression.

The Crazy Hair Day fashion show was a grand spectacle where the students confidently paraded their wild and beautiful hair creations.?It was a day of laughter, joy, and applause, as everyone celebrated the beauty of being different and unique.?It served as a reminder that our individuality is something to be cherished and celebrated.

As September came to a close, the young learners of WASNJ Kindergarten left behind a trail of self-discovery and new-found friendships. They had not only learned to introduce themselves and handle their emotions but also to respect boundaries, use their senses to explore the world, and care for their bodies.?Most importantly, they had learned the invaluable lesson that their unique qualities were a cause for celebration, making each of them a special and precious part of their wonderful kindergarten community.


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