Washington: Too Big to Succeed?

Washington: Too Big to Succeed?

When I first heard President Barack Obama make his pitch that General Motors was “too big to fail”, my stomach turned. I knew from familial experience, that the automaker’s number one problem was that it was far too large to remain competitive. It was a sentiment echoed way back in the 1954 Hitchcock classic, Rear Window, through the discussion between Stella and Jeff:

Stella: You heard of that market crash in '29? I predicted that.

Jeff: Oh, just how did you do that, Stella?

Stella: Oh, simple. I was nursing a director of General Motors. Kidney ailment, they said. Nerves, I said. And I asked myself, "What's General Motors got to be nervous about?" Overproduction, I says; collapse. When General Motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day, the whole country's ready to let go.

 Of course, the discussion was intended to show that Stella’s prediction against General Motors was made prior to 1929, but the purpose here is simply to show that Hollywood, at least, foresaw ‘size’ as a problem with GM back in 1954 – something that President Obama did not consider. What left most of America going to the “bathroom ten times a day” since, was where was the government, say, when Pan American World Airways disappeared from the planet? What made GM so invaluable when countless other large businesses collapsed into the blackhole of free market competition? The answer lies in the briefest word possible: Washington.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1961 lament over the “Military Industrial Complex” simply paved way for warnings regarding today’s “Washington God Complex” where Big Government succeeds in only one thing: growing ever massively larger. Where individuals once served proudly within the government solely to serve his or her fellow countrymen, we now see a bureaucracy fed as if on agenda-based Miracle Gro? where the quickest route to fame and fortune lay with greasing the palms of fellow Washingtonians. In short, the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” disappeared into the most elitist clique on the planet. Perhaps, far more egregiously, the new Washington Crowd has for the past several decades done everything political possible to diminish the three most sacred rights of the human person:

1.      The right to freely express our belief in an omnipotent Creator and to worship Him as we see fit;

2.      The right to freely express our thoughts and words without restriction from any governmental agency;

3.      The right to defend ourselves and our families and neighbors with whatever arms we determine as necessary for the effort.

With these cornerstones of freedom, can quickly examine how the Big Government community lays the framework to enslave the American citizenry.

First, for decades, the “Separation of Church and State” activists have rallied to impose severe legislation against what they do not believe in.  It would be as if I, myself, pushed for legislation to silence those who believe within Bigfoot or the Abominable Snowman. That a great many people actively search out these fantasies does very little to harm my personal attitude towards their non-existence. Yet, the Separatists, to the contrary, do not “Not believe in God”. Oh, they do believe in God, but not from the sense where you and I, say, attend weekly Mass to proclaim. No, those who wish to remove God from the public square – in strict violation of the First Amendment – do so because they want to remove God from all discussion. And there is only one reason that anyone would want to do this – to replace Him with another, more palatable (to them) entity. For anyone who has ever read Mary of Agreda’s The Mystical City of God may be aware, the 17th Century Spanish nun warned about the devil’s desire to replace Christianity with his own version of a world government, and even agnostics today should be able to decipher the strictly anti-Christian sentiments of those seeking to eliminate religious thought from its rightful place in public. Once prevalent religious thought is removed from the wishes of the citizenry, then the void is quickly replaced by the likes of communism, national socialism, and secretive societies such as that which seems to prevail within Washington.

Second, freedom of speech itself is under fire throughout the United States. Anyone who espouses the conservative values of God, country, and family is quickly slandered as a bigot, racist, sexist, Islamophobe, homophobe, or any number of other insults designed for the sole purpose of extinguishing competitive thought. Even those bastions of free thought – our colleges and universities – have now descended into indoctrination mills geared more towards turning out feeble minds cluttered with “safe zone” mentalities than the competitive spirit that wins both on the playing field and in corporate boardrooms. For all practical purposes, “hateful speech” is largely what implants within our minds a sense of “turning the other cheek” and forgiveness, essential nutrients for surviving a very hellish world.  Such disgusting speech grants the rest of us an opportunity to flourish our free will and state that “we” are not such a person and employ our own free speech to counter any offensive accusations. Unfortunately, the proponents of big government often employ “trolls” to slander opponents, thereby decreeing to the world that they engage within ‘mirror imagining’, the process of believing that others do things of a similar manner so that it remains alright to engage within the process themselves.

Finally, the United States of America remains the only country on the planet founded upon the principle that the lowliest of its citizens bears just as many inherent rights as the loftiest of its national leaders. What this means is that “government” is but an option to any foreseeable problem and not a panacea. For example, because police officers will take anywhere from five minutes to a quarter of an hour to arrive at your domicile, you bear the God-given right to defend yourself when under attack. Whether or not you choose to arm yourself for the occasion is up to you and no one else. This is why our founding fathers placed it as the second most important right after worshipping God and speaking our minds. When others try to silence our belief in God or our opportunities to say, “Hey, Washington politicians are a bunch of sorry-assed bastards…”, we bear a fundamental right to defend ourselves against these villains. And when other thugs try to deprive us of our properties or our lives, we have that same right to kill them in the process – if that is what it takes to “render the aggressor unable to inflict harm” in the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Big Government supporters know this intimately, which is why they moved away from the complete failure of the “Assault Weapons Ban” towards banning firearms altogether. Hint: they support improvements in, say, cell phones, but when it comes to making newer firearms, they go catatonic as if anything “old” – i.e., religion, free speech, firearms ownership, etc. – invalidates the modern era.

The problem with any large and growing entity, is that it must continuously be fed in order to remain alive. Inasmuch as Walmart, for example, moved from the American-made-centric retailer of Sam Walton, the massive store chain today has morphed into the “Cult of Sam” where every aspect of its customer’s and associate’s lives are controlled under the dictum of “living better”, Washington has to grow beyond the boundaries of the United States in order to survive. For this reason, it sponsors financial arrangements that benefit other countries under the Walmart-esque proposition of living better. It further prevents securing national borders under the desire to infiltrate (there is no better world for it) illegal immigrants into the country to enslave into future welfare recipients under the guise that “Americans do not want these jobs.”

As I wrote within my 2011 paper within American Intelligence Journal (Vol. 29, no. 2), “Financial Counterintelligence: Fractioning the Lifeblood of Asymmetrical Warfare”, the only way to battle against illicit organizations remains to cut off their supply of funds. In this regard, the only way that we can defeat the Washington God Complex is to remove the purse strings that keep our bureaucrats in luxury. We must vote out those who spend and chastise those who seek to dismiss our fundamental rights. We must literally place the fear of God into anyone that seeks to silence us, spend our taxes unwisely, or otherwise tries to legislate us into weakness.

An American that is armed, independent, spiritual, family-centric, and hardworking is not a threat to anyone. A Washington that is distant, bloated, and infused with selfish politicians whose espouse progressive weakness is a disaster waiting to happen. Let’s pull its reins before we head to the bathroom ten times per day…


R.J. Godlewski (GOD LESS KEY) is the former executive manager of a threat resolution services company and served as the president of his own security company. He is an alumnus of American Military University, holding an M.A. in Military Studies, Asymmetrical Warfare concentration and a B.A. in Intelligence Studies, Terrorism Studies concentration (with minor degree in Area Studies -- Middle East), both earned with academic honors. He further holds graduate and undergraduate certificates in Security Management and Explosive Ordnance Disposal, respectively. Mr. Godlewski is a veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Navy Reserve. He remains devoted to protecting the dignity and integrity of innocent human life, wherever and whenever it may be placed in jeopardy and by whatever means may be necessary and employs the breadth of his knowledge, experiences, and assets to achieve this mission. “God loans us life, let us not take it away…” Images ? JLV Image Works - Fotolia.com, ? IamCDN - Fotolia.com, ? Tinu - Fotolia.com. Arranged R.J. Godlewski.


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