Washington D.C. - The Cost to Employers and Our Future.
John O’Neil – President/CEO of Froggerjobs.com,
I think that we are all concerned about the recent attempted bombings and the delivery of substances via the mail to our current and past government officials.
The possible overrun of our southern border and the continuous political fighting which surely appears to be spiraling out of control. Accusation after accusation!
If we were able to use Truth Serum on each and every politician who would be left standing tall and proud? Perhaps this testing should be adopted and given every year
What does happen in Washington D.C. has a direct effect on every employer and the last thing we need is all this confusion.
Let's all pray that our leaders remember who voted them into office and start thinking about what is good for this country. Truth Serum may well be the last resort. - John
To Learn more about Froggerjobs.com: www.froggerjobs.com
Lastly, to the gentleman from Tennessee who made contact with me last night...Thank you for your comments. Upon reading the earlier version I can see your point.