WASCZ丨Students Excel in British Psychology Olympiad
In the dynamic and thriving community of WASCZ, we take pride in nurturing academic achievement and holistic development among our students. We are thrilled to recognise and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of J. Jiang(G11, Dove), E. Xu(G11, Somerville), and A. Yao(G11, Cavell) in the prestigious British Psychology Olympiad National Round offered by ASDAN China. These awards serve as a testament to our Psychology students' hard work, dedication, and passion.
Some Psychology A Level students from WASCZ participated in the first round of the Psychology ASDAN at the end of 2023. Hundreds of students nationwide participated in the first round, which consisted of a 24-question multiple-choice online test covering general psychology knowledge. The top 100 students nationwide were chosen to compete in the national round based on the quiz results.
Based on their outstanding performance in the first round, J. Jiang, E. Xu and A .Yao were selected to represent our school in the national round of the Psychology Olympiad hosted by ASDAN China. These students, driven by their passion for psychology, willingly sacrificed their free time and well-deserved holiday to compete in the national round held in Shanghai in February. The six-day national round was a rigorous test of their knowledge and skills, including quiz and trivia rounds, a written test covering current psychological issues and debates, daily lessons, essay writing workshops, a group competition phase where students had to design a study, and an individual essay. Despite the intense competition, our students remained focused and determined, showcasing their dedication to their studies.
All three participants performed exceptionally well, receiving excellence awards for the psychology written test and quiz bee and being invited to the prestigious BPO Psychology summer school at Oxford. J. Jiang, in particular, was a standout, earning the third-place award for the Psychology Quiz Bee, a high recommendation for the Psychology essay competition, and an excellence award for the Psychology written test. J. Jiang’s accomplishments came as a delightful surprise to her, as she had not expected to perform so well. In an interview, she humbly shared, “The best way to win a competition is not to be overly competitive and just to try one’s best; that’s what I did”.J. Jiang's calm demeanour and maturity in the face of such success were genuinely admirable, and her words reflect the modesty?
J. Jiang is now patiently awaiting the international Psychology ASDAN results, where the top essays from each country will be evaluated and compared to select the international winners of the competition. The results should be released in about two months. ?J. Jiang is fortunate enough to be one of the thirty students chosen to attend a prestigious summer school program in Oxford this August. Looking towards the future, J. Jiang plans to apply to Cambridge to complete her studies in psychology to fulfil her dream of becoming an experimental psychologist. With excellent achievements early in her career, WASCZ looks forward to her future accomplishments and success.
The Excellence Awards obtained from the olympiad are a testament to our student's hard work and commitment to their education and future. These students are already making strides in becoming leaders in psychology, both nationally and internationally. As we celebrate the achievements of our students, we look forward to inspiring future generations to reach new heights of excellence and make a positive impact on the world.