WASCZ丨In the Search of Birds with Colourful Feathers
Learning about animals and habitats, the Seahorse class stumbled upon the subtheme of animals that fly. We reviewed the names of many birds we already knew and discovered so many new ones like snowy owls, kingfishers, white peacocks, tody birds from Dominican Republic and the kiwi birds of New Zealand, which was our favourite.
We learned about various nests that birds build; some were so impressive we are still figuring out how is it possible a small flying creature can make them?
We also explored the body parts of birds, and the most significant one is the feathers, this is usually the key element that differentiates them from others; peacocks, flamingos, hummingbirds, toucans, and parrots have very distinctive patterns, and this also helped us to identify them.
One of our first activities was to gather natural resources like twigs, wooden sticks, mud, gras and leaves to try and replicate a real nest. Our most interesting lesson was heading outside to our big school garden and find and gather as many feathers as we could find and collect them.
While doing this we encountered a real bird egg that had been hatched on the floor, this caused such excitement and fascination in us, we wondered if we could find the small baby bird.
During our exploration we picked feathers of different colors and designs, ranging from brown, black, hints of purple, green, pink and we wondered what birds they belonged to. Could we find a parrot in our school? Does this look like a crow’s feather? Perhaps it comes from an owl? Each child had placed their own nest outdoors along with birdfeeders they had created in hopes of catching a glimpse of these animals in the sky. We had a fantastic lesson full of emotions, engagement, and happiness in search of the birds with colourful feathers.