Warts What to Do
Sally Gilson Getcatcrazy
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Are also known as papillomas which are usually small, cauliflower shaped growths. Multiple papillomas is called papillomatosis this occurs in very young animals. Older animals are more likely to exhibit single warts. Multiple warts are easier to diagnose.
Warts are a benign type of tumour of the skin they are usually caused by viruses, there are numerous types of viruses which each cause a slightly different presentation of warts in different areas of the body. Usually not serious or problematic mainly common in dogs.
How do animals get Warts? Contract the virus when they meet another infected animal. Canine papilloma viruses can survive for extended periods of time in the environment and can therefore spread on objects such as bedding or toys. With cats they may spread from cat to cat but cannot spread to humans or dogs, most papillomas will fade over time and can return periodically in different areas.
Young dogs with immature immune systems or dogs with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to more significant infections this is where large numbers of warts develop.
How do they get affected? Through wound or bite, or when immune system is low from virus the warts look like a small cauliflower head it has a stalk leading to a rough textured growth. Sometimes they can be inward growing, or the lesion will be hard scaly plagues found on parts of the body.
Are Viral Papillomas Dangerous? No, generally warts will regress and resolve without requiring treatment, usually within three months. If in the mouth can be problematic.
What are some of the symptoms? A wart could potentially persistently bleed overall a wart will not bother your pet or cause any pain.
Can I prevent my pet from getting warts? To be affected the animal would have meet an infected animal and had abnormal or traumatized skin.
What are some to the Remedies?
Aloe vera Gel or Juice:?Make sure it is the real aloe vera gel 99% without additives.
Apple Cider vinegar:? Sock a cotton ball in pure apple cider vinegar, squeeze of the excess liquid and place it on the wart. Put a bandage on top and leave in place overnight. Over a few applications the vinegar will kill the wart turning it black or brown. After this, the dead skin should peel away.
Baking Soda:?A universal cleaner and healer, the powder’s strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities work best on warts when made into a paste with white or apple cider vinegar. Apply to the wart twice a day or overnight, repeat for up to a week until the wart is gone.
Basil Garden grown:?Because of its anti-viral components is a great home remedy. Crush up fresh basil leaves into a juicy mush, apply to the wart do for a couple of weeks.
Dandelion Flower:?Easy to fine in summer, their milk is known to have wart killing effects. Pick the flower as it blooms, before it turns to white fluff, and try to choose one that has not been sprayed with pesticides. Remove the head of the flower and rub the milk inside the stem onto the wart. Twice a day until gone.
Garlic:?Is an antifungal known for its?antibacterial?and antiviral properties.?Crushed garlic?on the wart and wrap it in a bandage, repeat twice a day until the wart dries up and falls off.
Teatree:?Fights the virus directly it is also very effective for fungal infections of the skin. Be sure to put the oil only on the affected part. Apply the oil during the day, the?tea tree?will sock in quickly and work fast.
Vitamin C:?Can help get rid of warts, crush up a tablet into power and use a bit of lemon juice or water to make a paste. Place the paste on the wart and cover it, the acid in the powder will kill the growth. Repeat daily until the wart is gone.
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