Wars and Rumors of War: It’s always been that way
Steve Johann
I help Companies, Organizations and Individuals Build Trust and Grow Their Business through Podcasting
How to stop worrying and start living
Blood in the streets, revolts, wars and rumors of wars. Oh no, I can’t work, I can’t sleep, I can’t do anything but watch the news and worry! This is what the news world would have you to do. So, while the news industry would have us drop everything we’re doing and focus all our attention and emotional energy on the latest war and rumor of a war, God tells us to do otherwise.
Wisdom and warnings from Jesus
Jesus was teaching his disciples about God’s coming judgement on Israel, via Rome destroying the Jewish Temple along with the city of Jerusalem, which began in 67 AD and lasted until Masada was destroyed. When asked by his followers, when it would take place, within his lengthy answer found in Matthew 24, he made a very important point, one we must always keep in mind. Jesus told his disciples they would “hear of wars and rumors of wars,” Matthew 24:6. He also stated that this wasn’t when “these things” as in God’s judgement, would take place. Instead he told them to be about the work of the Kingdom, and when they saw the signs of war they were to flee from the region and continue on with their mission of making disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:16-20.
Unfortunately, many of today’s Christian populace are waiting with bated breath for “these things” to come about, thus they don’t engage in voting or attempting to turn back the evils of our day. Others within the Christian community recognize what Jesus warned about was for their generation, which took place in 70 AD. The point I wish to stress is this, Jesus makes the point so his followers wouldn’t be caught off guard and would keep working for the Kingdom. Funny, if this chapter was about a rapture then his disciples wouldn’t have to worry about what was going to soon take place; they would be whisked out of this world! Alas, that discussion is for another time.
What he did say was, we shouldn’t be caught off guard by letting anyone deceive us into following false prophets and teachers, but keep our eyes on Him, not the false proclaimers. I suggest you begin with my book: Breaking the Deception Code. A Truth Seekers Guide to Discernment, as a starting point of not being deceived. In my book, I explain, among other things, that much of the news industry are proclaimers of propaganda and falsehoods and to stop letting them dictate to you what to believe about much of anything, instead do your own homework.
Since that fateful day, when Jesus fulfilled his personal ministry by his death and resurrection nearly 2000 years have come and gone, and we have yet to see the physical return of Jesus. (He will return). In that time, we have had one type of of war after another, hundreds. This being the case, how do we apply his warnings to not worry about wars and rumors of wars? How do we apply his warning to being about the business we are called to be involved in, when the news industry and alt media community wants us riveted to our TV sets and computer screens waiting for any hint of war or a rumor of war?
To find the answer to these questions, let’s take a cue from history and turn our attention to what was taking place in America during the years of 1861-1865.
The fires of industry burn brightly while the fires of war burn out
While an estimated one third of America was embroiled in the War Between the States, also known as the American Civil War, I discovered through research, the rest of America was carrying on as usual, unencumbered by the war.
The War Between the States was the brutal war taking an estimated 400,000 to 600,000 lives and leaving tens of thousands of wounded soldiers and civilians in its wake. The war left much of the south scorched earth, with many a city and township left in ruins. It took decades to rebuild. It forever gutted the south and left permanent scars in the lives of the folks who lived through it.
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