Wars and Rumors of Wars!
How do tragic world events affect the child of God? Jesus gives us 3 things that we need to do, 'Do not fear, Watch, and Testify.' Currently, there is an ongoing war raging in the middle east between Israel and the Arab world surrounding it – Jordan, Syria and Iran. Let’s be clear, each time a bomb lands and explodes, with it is destroyed innocent lives, infrastructure and the peace that once was. It is a total devastation. I can understand the anger and outrage, but also there is much fear and insecurity that prevails. Are we at the end? Is the prophecy in fulfillment – a sign of the times, or just a tragic event? All we know from the Biblical rendering is that these things must come to pass before the end. But as to the end, no one knows the time or the hour!
Luke 21:9 “But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.” Luke 21:34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.” Luke 21:13 “But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.”
The purpose of prophecy is to show us that God is in control so that we are not afraid. We can see what is happening and have confidence in God. His plan does not center around our comfort, but our hope in our eternal reward. We are encouraged ‘not to fear.’ Jesus begins this revelation by telling us that we should not be terrified. If our hope is in God and if we believe that He controls everything we can be confident in God – even in an evil and wicked world. When trouble strikes our foundation is revealed. Those who build upon the sand will not have peace during a storm. In our modern culture, even Christians have been persuaded to place their hope in circumstances and things instead of in God. When people lose their sense of false security, they begin to search for something stable. That is our opportunity to point them to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Then we are advised to be awake, aware and watchful as to what is going on. Luke 21:36 “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” The person who is watching for Jesus’ return is also the person who is a faithful servant. Watching means living an active life for the Lord. Watching does not mean sitting down and waiting. It means that we are to actively live our lives for the Lord, our God. Watch can also mean that we need to be in tune with what God’s Word is saying about these events. In Matthew 24:46, Jesus makes a direct correlation between watching and doing what we have been appointed by God to do. “Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.”
Jesus sums up His prophecy of wars, sorrows, and persecutions by saying, ‘but it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony.’ This is the ultimate purpose of all these things. When the world is comfortable and everyone says that there is no need for God, it is hard to share the hope of Jesus Christ. It is especially during times of serve hardships and pain that people seek hope, peace and answers. Right now, many are enduring much torment, pain, anxiety and suffering and the only answer to all of these is Jesus Christ. Only He can restore healing, peace, joy and hope to those who have nowhere to turn, no answers to their painful questions. Scripture tells us that how can they know except if someone tell them. We have been called to testify of the goodness of the Lord in such a time as this! ?