Wars and Rumors of Wars
Wars and Rumors of Wars. ?
Matthew 24:6
King James Version
?And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Matthew told us what Jesus revealed to his disciples about war. He wanted them to understand that it would be normal to hear about wars and rumors of wars throughout their generation, but that was not a sign of the end. He was saying that; as long as lawlessness and deception abound, conditions and events leading to war would always be possible.
But He also introduced another possibility in Matthew 6:10 when he implored us to pray for God's will to be done on earth as in heaven. He made it clear that this was a distinct possibility if we prayed and asked for it. So then why, over two thousand years later, it is more likely for the hell of war to occur on earth than for the conditions of heaven to be present on earth, since there is a choice??
Why is it easier for us to believe there will be war than to believe there can be heaven on earth? It’s easier to believe because it’s more likely to happen since there are large numbers of people actively working for the devil's will to be done and smaller numbers praying, asking, and working for God's will to be done here just as it is in heaven.?
War is, as many of those who have participated in one will readily declare, “Hell,” because it actually does bring the hatred, suffering, killing, etc. that is straight out of hell’s environment into the earth. In short, it is the devil’s will being done on earth as it is in hell.
A little-known fact of history is that every war for the last 300 years has been initiated in some way by the same groups dedicated to Lucifer and his agenda for the earth.
They use the money, power, and weapons they have to promote and achieve their evil purposes.
Bob Dylan, the popular singer-songwriter of the “60’s,” alluded to this fact in his song “Masters of War,” in which he rebuked those who hide behind their position and money to create wars, chaos, and death-generating war machines for profit. He asked if it was worth forfeiting their soul. Bob Dylan understood that these folks not only exist but thrive anonymously among us.
He was right. Influential organizers, dedicated to the demonic spirit of Mammon, who desire war for financial gain and political power, desire, promote, and organize it while most normal peace-loving people go about their business unaware of the demonic activity among the governmental ruling order, until war breaks out.
Actually, wars never just break out; they are always planned and orchestrated by agents of Satan. I think we all realize that but don’t always recognize the people he uses to bring it about, or if we do, we don’t know how to stop them without using violence, which defeats the purpose since that in itself will lead to war.?
We actually do have means to stop the wars, but we neglect to use them. Paul told us about these weapons and who our enemies are in Ephesians 6:10–13 but warned us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that these weapons were not carnal but spiritual.
Jesus gave us the authority to use these spiritual weapons in Luke 10:19 and confirmed that if we were willing to step out and use them, no life-threatening harm would come to us. He stated very plainly that we, his sons and daughters, his disciples, now have power over all the power of the enemy. We just have not matured to the point yet where we believe it enough to use it.
We are still expecting Jesus to do what he ordained and empowered us to do—take the land, spiritual ground, and occupy it till he comes!
Christians often ignore and even deny the existence of our spiritual weapons, given to us for the purpose of opposing Satan's agenda, while we languish in a false belief that an antichrist world leader defeats the Church of the Living God. We continue to believe we should just wait for Him to rescue us from the powerful, devil-empowered antichrist and snatch us out of the world's turmoil.?
This belief effectively opens the door for more of Satan's agenda to come forth. This is a doctrine invented and promoted by well-meaning men in the 19th century who were deceived by, and some unknowingly financed by, the Luciferin groups that love and promote division and war. They simultaneously neutralized a large portion of the church and created division among the people of the world. But I firmly believe that is about to change very soon.
Those who promote wars are very pleased at this time (2024), because there are several useless wars going on, including the Ukrainian/Russian war and the Hamas/Israeli/Iran conflict. Did you or anyone you know have any say about these maters? Not likely.
But we can surmise from Jesus' teaching that we do have a say in which condition prevails on our earth. (Luke 10:19). It is our choice—life or death, peace or war. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
This was a valid choice for true believers even in ancient times. David proved this when he destroyed Satan’s most effective weapon against Israel: Goliath. He did not use the normal weapons of war but used common shepherds’ tools and faith in his relationship with his God to eliminate this antagonistic enemy. This was evident as he spoke this declaration into the atmosphere: “I come against you in the name of the Lord.” (1 Samuel 17:45) Which was an almost unheard-of proclamation in Jewish society at that time. Sadly, that is also true of our time.
War is a spiritual goliath, but when we come together in the name of the Lord and command war to cease, it will be so.
Incredibly, the church has overlooked and disregarded the fact that we have unbeatable spiritual weapons and that it is absolutely up to us whether Satan is allowed to roam free or is defeated by confronting him with the name of the Lord.
We have been lions who think we are house cats. But it’s time now to realize that the ballgame is in our ballpark. The ball is in our court, and winning is definitely within our capability. Let's wake up, get up, come together, and do it!
If you are wondering how we do it and maybe saying, “I don’t feel like a lion; I don’t know that I could do it,” you are right. You can’t do it alone. Neither you nor I nor anyone else can do the things we need to do to eliminate wars, large or small, without the Holy Spirit showing us our part. Jesus wants us to allow him to do it through us.
He will make you able to do your part. He can cause you to walk as he walked when he was on earth in an earthly body. You can walk in that power and authority that he gave us in Luke 10:19. When you are in tune with the Holy Spirit, he will guide you; he will speak to you and through you so that your words, declarations, and actions tear down satanic strongholds and platforms and bring peace and encouragement to all involved.
It may be a simple or profound action, but he can and will do it through you when you submit and allow him to operate through you. The accumulated actions of a multitude of believing Christians can do anything God desires. Nothing should be impossible for us. Even though this may be contrary to modern, popular teaching, it is scriptural and absolutely in line with Jesus’ teaching. It’s time to begin to say it like it is and do it like we should!
Supporting Scriptures
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give you?the?authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and?over?all?the?power?of?the?enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
2 Cor 10:4
For the?weapons?of?our?warfare?are?not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
Ephesians 6:12: ?For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against?principalities, against powers, against?the rulers of?the darkness of this age, against spiritual?hosts?of wickedness in the heavenly?places.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you,?that?I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
Wars and Rumors of Wars. ?
is an excerpt of a forthcoming book entitled “Watchman, What of the Night?”
?Copyrighted by Ray Cleghorn 2024
May be used with permission.
Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new
5 个月But where does hatred come from? Our scriptures say it is SIN, that is to blame. When we re-examine our physical world, and find one principle to define nature... love... or what is now coined "robust entanglement" we find that SIN,... becomes this real, physical entity,.... innervating human tissue.... over the lifetime of the individual,... human.. or plant... animal.... When we understand nature to be comprised of an elastic, communicating universe, then we find that the cerebrum breathe,... back and forth,.. back and forth... in this ENTANGLEMENT,...place,.. or HAVEN.... and so it is... that we define HEAVEN.... as this E - haven.. entanglement place... where energy forms from found symmetries.. AUFI is the new term coined to describe this real physical presence.. of fungi,.. bacteria, and virus.. that innervate human tissue.... digesting us.... literally... each second... each minute, every year of our lives.... until we die.... In fact, as we come to cure this presence; this floral presence; we will extend human life beyond imagination Herein lies HATRED JOIN ME MARK applied physics https://www.academia.edu/120841965/LETTER_OF_INVITATION