Wars make money
Thomas Chow
Circulatory System Improvement Pain solution for more info go to ucsipainsolution.com
Wars make money for those rich sponsors who support and behind those elected evangelical political party representatives of that country. This only can be happened in a democratic country. Just like the National Gun Association does not want any GUN Control.
Thus, how many more people to die before those elected evangelical political party representatives of that country will face the reality or they sold their souls to Mr.” D” for good. This is sad and shameful for that country allowing this kind of person to run their country. This is not normal. This is not only abusing the name of their GOD and humiliating their GOD so badly.
No wonder why God Is Crying (GIC), (Check it out under the categories of Opinions, Religious theory and Theories section for the God Is Crying), or Double standard and MGM (under the categories of Opinions, Religious theory and Theories section)
Written by Thomas Chow Read more at www.ucsipainsolution.com