A Warrior's Mind is His Greatest Weapon
“Don Carlos”
Hi! I'm "Don Carlos"! I invest in American Real Estate. I invest in American businesses and create jobs in America. It's the American Dream!!!!
In business...and in life....it helps to read psychology. In particular I recommend a book called "The Human Animal". There are actually two books with the same title...both good books....one by Weston La Barre and the other by Desmond Morris. In addition, I highly recommend "On Aggression" by Konrad Lorenz. It's an old book....but a great one. Lastly, you need to read "The Dynamic Decision Maker" by Driver, Brousseau, and Hunsaker. Driver was one of my professors. From these books and others...along with your life experiences, you may, like myself, come to the conclusion, that the greatest weapon of a warrior is his/her mind. In the last referenced book, you'll also see that humans have both "role styles" and "operating styles". A "role style" is how someone acts or speaks when they know they are being watched...observed, and an "operating style" is how they speak or behave "normally". Knowing this alone, will give you an edge in business encounters....especially negotiations and meetings. You'll also be able to separate the the fluff..."the role styles" of people you deal with and who they truly are...their "operating styles". You'll also see that the underlying economic assumption of "the rational man" (in spite of all of society's problems) is a pretty accurate gauge. That explains why Hollywood artists are socialists in their fingers...and in their voices...but invariably, they are capitalists when it comes to their own wallets and purses..