Be The Warrior!

Be The Warrior!

Every single individual is fighting their own battle. While some of them are extremely good at wearing a smile all the time, others find it hard to do. Some can see a ray of hope in the dark, while others may not be able to open their eyes. 10th October marks the “World Mental Health Day” and co-incidentally the “Birthday of My Daughter”- A beautiful reminder of a ray of hope in darkness!

Like all, I had my share of the roughest phase of my life few years back and the survival seemed to be the herculean task. The only thing that kept me going during that time was a strong desire to enter motherhood, eagerness to hold my daughter in my arms and see her hale and hearty (Somewhere I knew it’s going to be a girl!). Finally, with her coming, my wait was over and there she was right in front of me, gazing with her twinkling eyes (I still distinctly remember that day). Her arrival gushed a stream of strength and I took the toughest decision of my life, the decision I should have taken many years ago. And that’s where my journey began to take things head-on for the sake of “Peace” and “Well-being”. This is my story in short and my ray of hope, my daughter!

According to WHO (World Health Organization), Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Where the health refers to the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Some of the alarming facts stated by WHO:

  • India is the most depressed country in the world
  • 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression
  • 6.5 per cent of the Indian population suffers from some form of serious mental disorder
  • Average suicide rate in India is 10.9 for every lakh people
  • Most people who commit suicide are below 44 years of age.

These facts are alarming and gives me goose bumps. Sometimes wonder, where are we heading to? What are we leaving behind for our children? While some are more clinical in nature and requires psychiatric or psychologist help. Many are ingrown within us. We can’t control situation and circumstances around us. But we must work in the direction to equip our self and our children to handle life’s challenges, failures and setbacks effectively. To be more resilient and be more grateful. 

My intention to write my thoughts and publish on this day, is just to remind everyone, that when life put you to test, do not give up easily (I understand it’s easier said than done!). But remember, change is constant, a universal law. Therefore, whether it is a bad phase or a good’s a phase which will pass and is necessary for self-growth, so we are rooted and humble. Dealing with difficult situations and to maintain sanity is tough, but not impossible. Here are some of the ways or weapons to deal with life challenges..

  • Pursue Your Hobby – Find time to do, what makes you happy. It's never late to identify one. I once met a 60 years old lady, who loved dancing but never got an opportunity to learn. Just because in her earlier years, she was juggling between her husband, children and practicing her medical career. And now that, when everyone is settled, she joined a contemporary dance class. Believe me, she was a big competition to all the youngsters, including me. (Though I’m not that young anymore, Age is just a number!).
  • Seek Help- Forget about what others will say or think. The point is people who say, will not come forward to help. You need to help yourself. Seeking help for your own well-being and for your family is the way forward for your better health and intern future.
  • Confide to Your Family Members And / Or Close Friends – Invest time in making a circle of trusted and loving friends. You don’t need too many. You need genuine friends and family to help you pull out, just in case you get stuck in the roller-coaster ride of life. I heard this beautiful quote by someone “People remember not what you do for them, but how you make them feel”. Make a circle of people who make you feel good and are there for you!
  • Physical Work-Out or Pursue a Sport – This is must and you must incorporate in your daily routine. Even if it’s a 30 min walk in the morning or evening every day, it makes a huge difference. When you go out, you breathe less toxic air (While research keep oscillating between in-house and outside air quality comparison, but it’s just one point), your energy gets diverted towards physical activity than negative thoughts, you meet new people or maybe see some old faces, you exchange conversations which may give a different perspective to life. It’s a winning proposition from all angles!
  • Find Your Ray of Hope- I see a ray of hope in my daughter every day. She instills immense positivity and make my world beautiful (also, keep me on toes all the time other than my work, but it's worth it!). And I’m sure everyone has their very own ray of hope. All you need to do, is open your eyes to see it, embrace it and keep moving. Life is better when, we keep moving!
  • Re-invent your passion- There is no right age and no rules. Find your passion today and get going!
  • Surround yourself with positive people - Positive people bring great energy, respect each other’s individuality and can lift the mood. Be conscious of the people you interact with or surround yourself with. While you may find all kinds of people and we can’t control specially at workplace, however, be selective of whose energy you absorb. Try and stay away from those who love discussing people, fault finders and pessimist (I call them “Energy drainers”!)
  • Be Grateful – Being grateful, keeps you grounded. Be thankful in real sense, for waking up every day healthy and witnessing the sun shiny day. You have made it so far!
  • Pray or Meditate –Just 5-10 minutes every day, prayers or meditation, brings a positive mind-set towards life and has a calming effect.

You are the warrior in your very own battle with life challenges and are destined to emerge out shining, a much better and a stronger individual! Take charge of your well–being now!

Hope you find this article helpful and it does bring out a positive outlook towards life!

Wishing everyone a Victorious Mental Health Day… Be the Warrior!!!

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthday #BeTheWarrior #hope #KeepMoving #WHO #peace #wellbeing #begrateful


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