A Warrior for Mother Earth
Willie Wolf M.P.A
Training and consultation to help your organization go from good to great
In the picture above you see Greta Thunberg, the young swedish environmentalist who is being honored by one of the leaders from the Standing Rock Tribe. She was given a star quilt blanket to honor her amazing efforts over the past year and she was also given a Lakota name. Her name is maphiyata echiyatan hin win which is "woman who came from the heavens." I love our people and the rituals we have to honor others. It is such a beautiful tradition. We need to find more ways to lift people up instead of tearing them down which seems to be so common these days.
For more information on how one person can make a difference go to the training on Transformational Leadership at www.redroadleadership.com
Mitakuye Oyasin(All My Relations)