The Warning Signs Your Company’s Operating System (and you) Needs An Upgrade:
Simon Harris
Helping founders craft the perfect exit through a unique framework tested over 22 years and 900+ clients - Work with me privately to make sure you leave no money on the table! Call me 0425 227 702
?Do any of these ring true when you really stop and think about your business?
?Sound familiar??
?I’m sorry to tell you but there is no silver bullet here.
?It takes hard work and big doses of dedication, resilience and effort.
?It does get better but it all starts with the realisation that – Your Business is a Reflection of Your Thinking – ouch!
Zig Ziglar put another way – if your thinking is stinking your business is sinking!?
This is by no means meant to come across as a demotivating.?Instead I want to bring to the front of peoples awareness that you and only you CAN turn this around.
Its not really got anything to do with your company’s operating system, its YOU that needs a rewrite.?If I started with a headline on this issue, very few would have read further than the subject line.
People want a quick fix, which in reality is neither!
It all starts with the beliefs we hold to be true and lets face it, many of those beliefs might in fact not be serving us well.
Our beliefs are formed as we grow up.?We inherit most of them from our parents or significant adults in our lives.
I bet most reading this, learnt their money beliefs (yes we really do have beliefs in and around money) from our parents.?They learnt from theirs who probably came through a world war or a depression or both.?How do you think they thought about money in the 40’s and 50’s?
We have beliefs around all areas of our lives from love and relationships through to politics, medical, education, health, investing, the list goes on.
Your beliefs drive your mindset which drives your behaviours and in turn delivers results.?If you want better results then we have to come all the way back to beliefs.
Who is driving your business, you or that voice in your head.?It’s a powerful voice.?
When something feels scary, confusing, uncertain, uncomfortable or embarrassing comes up, our little voice (gremlin) springs into action to protect us.?
Sometimes it works while many times it leads up to self sabotage or fear, which is the fight / flight scenario.
I’ve been lucky to have studied under some pretty impressive mentors in my life.?Marshal Thurber and Dame DC Cordova are two titans of personal development, and through them I have learnt to acknowledge old beliefs and rewrite new ones.
That’s powerful!?Imagine being able to reprogram your beliefs.?Heck imagine helping your kids or inner circle do the same!
What would be possible??
For me I worked on money beliefs first. My results have been nothing short of astounding.?Between 2013 when I first came across Marshals work and 2019, I managed to 10x my asset base and reduce my working hours to around 20 a week!?
With 5 young children (and a golf addiction) I wanted to be a dad that was there for my kids, not just the bank of dad putting food on the table.
So, what stared out as a simple headline that got you to read this far, actually turned out to be something completely different.?
Its all bout you and the opportunity to rewrite the future for how you want your business and your life to look.
I hope this made sense…