WARNING! This Post is Boring
When one of your target audience members contacts you or your team about a message or communication that was sent out, what’s your process?
Yup, talking about process. Sure, constructing a process might be slightly more boring than preparing your taxes, but they’re as integral to your business as your branding campaign. Think of process as the keystone for your operation.
The first task on the list is to examine how things are currently performed. Many times you’ll hear “well, that’s how we’ve always done it”. Just because it’s the norm doesn’t mean it’s the right way to do it! Of course, there are parts of the process that should be preserved. This step can be tricky, because you’re trying to pull eggs out of an omelet.
Performing this exercise allows you to inventory your processes. There might be too many, and when you eliminate one, you’re automatically streamlining your business. Another benefit: deleting processes frees up your time, and that of your team members.
Now you’re ready to create new processes – yes, this will get your heart racing. Start from scratch and review each step. Ask plenty of honest questions – and build the entire process step by step. A friendly piece of advice – test pilot that new or altered process before it becomes part of day to day operations.
Finally, review it with your team so everyone knows what’s going on.