I am forever thinking, talking and eating food. On a daily basis I will prep, eat, prep, eat and then eat some more. For the reason being not only does it give me fuel to train and go about my day to day business - it's satisfying and creates a better mood! Why indulge in a "diet" that makes you unhappy?
9 times out of 10 this causes you to go backwards, to binge. Why not live a diet that lasts...
I'm forever hearing people who know so little about food - taking such drastic measures and cutting out certain things or limiting/missing meals on purpose! When asked why they do so, a shrug of the shoulders is normally the favoured response.
Aswell as those people who implement such harsh routine to their diet without seeking advise from the correct people or reading books/articles by said people are those who put so much trust into someone who has no qualifitcations or knowledge atall - just a product with bright labels or a picture of a fat person who to the right doesn't look so fat "4 weeks" down the line. Super frustrating to see!
Now I don't want this post to be another one where I ramble on about these FADS. Quite the opposite I want it to be one where after reading you down your shaker, listen to your grumbling stomach and get in the kitchen. Cook, experiment and research - use as much colour and include all food groups, a carb won't kill you. But a carb deprived diet may cause you to kill someone else.
Carbs are the given such a bad press so I can understand why people tend to steer clear of them - but what If I told you that's exactly what vegetables are, a source of carbohydrate. Just a cleaner source and so many people are unaware of this! Welcoming bigger portion sizes, more efficient energy and a whole lot of gains.
It was only this morning that someone messaged me to say they had prepped their meals and were ready for the week ahead, but followed on to say "But I think I'll be hungry as I need carbs" after giving a few examples she was shocked to learn what she had prepared was a carb full feast, just one that wasn't sponsored by dominos.
Now lets take a look at fats - another food group heckled and booed at for being bad for you. However, as mentioned in a previous post some fats, help burn fat! Which is inevitably what we all want right? (https://spthorley.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-incorrect-diet-habits-school-for.html) Feeling full and uncomfortable after a processed pic n mix whether it be a chinese, indian or a pizza take out will always happen. Your digestive system takes a battering, your belly goes balloon shaped, feeling sluggish and rounded you can barely move. Additives, chemicals and unatural sweetners are all to blame, alot of the time this subsides quite quickly and your hunger returns. Causing a fridge raid or yet more processed "quick" foods to be consumed. Good fats quite simply do the opposite - leaving you fuller for longer while also providing energy that doesn't make you dive for the sofa, but lace up those trainers or be on the ball in the busy 9-5 you work.
Facts, figures and food examples within this post, there has been very few. Reason being I wanted to address the underlying issue that we are forgetting how to eat and also what food is! If it is picked, grown or killed and you have to cook it - thumbs up, fill your boots. If it's microwaveable, add waterable or ready to eat. Have a re-think.
Check out Ben Coombers awesome video from a few months back titled 'Diet - The Disease of our generation' puts the very message I am trying to share with you all across perfectly.