Be warned when knocking at my door
The by-election campaigns are in full swing and I have never had so many people calling at our door. I must say the way they are all mobilized is impressive. I am less impressed by the usual high-level tactics to win votes. Narrowing the conversation with anyone who calls toward housing delivery I have to try really hard not to get on the high horse!
Candidate "We want to protect your green belt"
Me "Great so do I, what are your thoughts on what is green belt"
Candidate "It is protected land around our towns and villages, that we won't spoil with building, areas of nature and beauty......."
Me "If you take a look at the green belt you will see large swathes of it are farming land used intensively"
Candidate "That's great, so it is protected so we can all be fed"
Me " So the very land that you thought you were protecting for wildlife (AONB) I have just pointed out is pumped full of chemicals for crops and will no doubt have a negative effect on wildlife. I would like a frank conversation about reviewing the 'green belt' which largely lies in the Town & Country Planning Act from 1947 and is no longer fit for purpose"
I know I sound pretentious and I softened the conversation after this initial interaction, as they just want to talk about the headlines. However, headlines and lack of facts (data) are frustrating me. I have given my wife strict instructions to get to the post before I do. Why? Because I am not sure I stomach another bit of post through my door with the headline "stop the opposition concreting over the countryside". The sentiment is right, do not get me wrong, but when facts and data (or lack of in) are leading the conversation, I'm out!
PS. To develop policies I believe data is required and huge amounts of it. Over the past years following data provided has interested me, but at the same time disappointed me. I have a glint of sympathy for the kamikaze moves made by the government in our industry. I believe they do not have the data to make informed decisions hence we have poor housing and planning reforms. Data (lack of it) is for another dedicated post.
PPS. I know I sound like an old man now!