Warehouse Temps.....
September 2, 2020
I have a similar conversation at least four to five times /week and it goes something like this:
A client calls me requesting, sometimes pleading with me, for warehouse temps and then proceeds to give me a budget of $10-11/hour Pay Rate, I respond the same all the time:
“I will see what I can do, but you realize the average hourly wage of warehouse workers is a little over $14/hour(according to Payscale.com) “
It is not 2000 anymore and the average warehouse worker will not work for $10/hour
TWENTY years ago the average warehouse worker made on average $10.66/hour (according to Indeed.com)
The HR Manager, Warehouse Supervisor or Owner if it’s a smaller facility tells me they can’t find any warehouse people, the temps they have walk out at lunch never to return, they don’t show up regularly, or last only a few weeks to a month. I empathize with their plight, as I ask them if they know why that is?
Responses can vary- but the fact that the work is physically intense, the warehouse temperature can exceed 90 degrees in the summer with no AC, and very often the workers rely on public transportation which can equate to upwards of a 90 minute commute each way are all certainly big factors.
Often the above mentioned “issues” can be mitigating one way, MONEY.
If someone is making $10.00/hour and gets an offer to work in another warehouse unloading different boxes with different items in it for $11-12/hour, that equates to a 10-20% raise. Do you think they care what they are unloading and what color box it is? Would you consider a new position for upwards of a 20% raise doing a similar job? I would!
The other elephant in the room is that manufacturing is booming and the additional federal unemployment stipend have both contributed to a tight & short supply of unskilled labor in the Delaware Valley.
With some “outside of the box” thinking, creative pay structures and competitive hourly pay rates, there are ways ascertain quality long lasting warehouse temporary and full-time employees. Feel free to reach out if you ever want to know our secret sauce to find quality temps!!
Remember you get what you pay for and its very relevant today.
Kenny Dubin