War of the Roses
Agrell Architectural Carving
Offices in the USA and UK. Delivering high-end, hand-carved joinery for residential, public and religious projects.
Blood sweat and tears go into carving a good rose or flower and it is a great source of pride when you get it right - normally by copying good examples from other carvers long since past.
Here are some examples hand carved by Agrell Architectural Carving.
The design of this beautiful hand carved swag was taken from a mid eighteenth century English fire surround belonging to the Getty family.
This oak carved newel post and detail are from the Governor's Mansion in Utah where we replaced most of the hand carvings after extensive fire damage.
An incredible frieze is our hand carved copy from a carving that we photographed at The Palace of Versailles.
?A delicate Rococo hand carved cartouche was taken from an etching. The design was also used by Designer and Milliner, Piers Atkison for Lady Gaga.
Note the apparent delicacy of the wood carving - but not so undercut as to not be able to stand up to practical everyday use (as in the newell post).
However, the most important thing is the design and how the flowers seem to have a natural flow and weight of their own - they are not just laid out.
A hand carved urn for Dudley House, 100 Park Lane, London
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