Ukraine in 2013 was corrupt, and our leaders knew it...

Ukraine in 2013 was corrupt, and our leaders knew it...

Can I tell you a story of corruption? I experienced it first hand in the Ukraine in 2013…I was in even in Maiden Square when it kicked off.

I hope my naive little tale might show some people in Europe and the USA who our elected leaders knew they were dealing with.

It may seem minuscule in the big scheme of things, but it came as quite a shock to me.

So, I asked my host why we drove in three big blacked out SUVs everywhere?

He said, “People no drive good in Ukraine, and if crash happens, zey get out and fight.

I said, “Why do the people drive so badly? Don’t you take a driving test?

He said, “In Ukraine, no-one takes driving test! We just pay professional test taker to turn up to examination, pass, and give us license.”

It made an impression.

In 2013, Ukraine was the most corrupt place I’d ever been to.

And the USA just gave them 350 billion dollars and the EU’s €143 billion… and no-one can account for it... where is the money?

Now the Alps are full of very rich Ukrainians skiing and partying hard—$1,000-per-day hotels— eating oysters—

Estate agents in Monaco and Dubai are catering to a lot of rich Russian speakers, not from Russia let's say...

While friends do GoFundMe’s to buy basic first aid from the trenches…


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