The War On Drugs is a War On People.

The War On Drugs is a War On People.

I hadn't heard from him in a couple of months. He used to call me at least once a month and wake me and my wife up up at 3 or 4 am to tell me he had enough and was miserable and wanted to die. Every time I spoke to him I reminded him of his family who was asleep in the next room as he used in his garage and drank himself oblivious until he could barely speak. I must have taken at least 50 of these calls over the years and sometimes they lasted for 3 hours. Patiently I would remind him of the love of his wife, child and his friends. He was an amazing musician and a hilarious comedian and at the beginning of CV19 shutdown, he finally did it. He killed himself after telling me he would for 10 years. Leaving a widow and child to fight for their own lives because his wife was an addict too.

The first time I saw someone using illicit drugs was in my living room and I was roughly 3 or 4 years old. My stepbrother's father was a serious addict and my stepdad shot his real father in the chest in front of the entire family. That man would later commit suicide after dealing with his struggles for decades. His ex-wife was a heroin user and eventually died from poor health issues related to Hepatitis C from sharing needles. Two of my mother's five husbands, were violent alcoholics. I saw my first dead body in a small patch of field next to our apartment complex when I was around 9 or 10. It was a black woman who was in the state of rigor mortis. There's a grocery store there now. I wish I could say that I didn't have tons stories like this of friends, family and loved ones, but I do.

Over the years I have worked with the homeless, at risk and homeless teens, men and women transitioning from incarceration and donated my time, money and energy to places like; Potter's Clay, Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center, ECHO PIT Count, SIM's Foundation, LifeWorks and many more.

Here's what I know. The War on Drugs is a hoax. In 1971, Richard Nixon started it to keep tabs on divergent hippies and the counterculture who didn’t support the Vietnam war effort. A war now known to have centered around Communism and heroin. The War on Drugs has been a colossal failure, right? I think it’s done exactly what it was intended to do, create a massive, incarcerated, slave-labor workforce. The United States has 5 percent of the world’s population and more than 25 percent of the prisoners, most of whom are serving mandatory minimum drug sentences. America consumes 80 percent of the anti-depressants made globally. But we’re free, right? Free to be miserable, in chemical bondage.?

Drugs are everywhere and all-consuming. Big pharma is big business. We’re living in a time when the successes of medicine are overshadowed by the serious harm, side effects, and death caused by doctors, drugs, unproven and unnecessary chemicals, compounds and treatments—especially in conjunction with one another. We’re a nation of willful lab rats and medical monkeys. More often than not, people who can afford to get and fill prescriptions are not the ones who need them most.?

In the 1930s, William Randolph Hearst launched a propaganda campaign to illegalize marijuana because hemp posed a threat to his monopoly on lumber, pulp and paper, and his newspaper empire. The legal and illicit drug trade governs the world, and it’s highly debatable which is worse. So there is no war on drugs. There is, however, a war on people— people who are hurting, mentally ill, self-medicating, and have yet to learn the liberating benefits of forgiveness. If you’re reading this in physical, mental, or spiritual bondage, you are a prisoner of war. It’s a spiritual war. Remember, where your mind is, that’s where you are. There are a lot of people in chains and personal prisons right in their own living rooms and their own minds.

The interesting thing is, it’s a known psychological truism that people with higher-than-average IQs are more inclined to medicate themselves. You heard me: smarter people are addicts and alcoholics. Why? That’s who looks for answers and becomes dark when they don’t find them. There isn’t just one study of the brain, IQ, and behaviors of addicts; there are hundreds. Dull people dare not attempt introspection or delve into avoidance of a self-medicating nature. ?

The history of cocaine, meth, and heroin can be traced back more than a hundred years ago in their respective pharmaceutically synthesized and mass-marketed forms. I meet people regularly that aren’t aware that Hitler was a meth addict. The average person is downright ignorant, reader. Dope runs this planet. If you’re an American, statistics say that it’s a 70 percent chance you’re on drugs right now, as you read this—illegal or not.Some of the plants and their uses to indigenous peoples can be traced back centuries. These drugs were pushed on the modern public in the form of elixirs, potions, aggression enhancers for war, children’s cough syrups, and even in our favorite drinking soda. They’ve been given to soldiers to enhance stamina and increase killing performance for a long time. The Nordic Vikings were the deadliest and most brutal fighters in combat history. They were known to paint their faces and eat mushrooms and other roots when they stepped off the boats to annihilate every living thing they encountered. They went into a trance and destroyed everything—man, woman, child, and even pets and livestock. No other warrior had ever done or seen anything like that before or since, and it’s been documented thoroughly. They were known as the Berserkers.?Our own military has given drugs to our own troops in every war in the last century to try to reproduce that fearless, destructive vengeance. The Nazis used Pervitin (methamphetamine) to keep a high paced aggressive, alertness in order to be 'sharp' in battle.

Nazis used Pervitin AKA Meth

Drugs put you in a euphoric, spiritually susceptible state. It’s why drugs have been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years as well. It’s why they’re used to treat terminal disease and pain. Guess what? Life is terminal, and if you’re getting anything accomplished, it’s painful as well.?

Would it surprise you that the origin of the word “sorcery” is the Greek word pharmakeia? That’s “pharmacy” to you and I, reader. Pharmakos means “poisoner and magician.” Weird, right? Marinate on that next time you go fill your prescription and look at the disheveled guy outside the drugstore, like garbage for asking you for change. He’s got to fill his prescription, too. Only he gets his filled behind the drugstore, in the alley. While you peer at him with your moral disdain and legalist eyes, know this: as of 2023, unnatural deaths related to overdose or complications of legal pharmaceutical users far outnumber illicit-drug deaths for ~15 years running. The numbers get higher every year.

So what’s the War on Drugs again, reader? That’s right—it’s a war on people. Poor people. Poor people who self-medicate. I’ll also contend that the sweetest, kindest, smartest, and most creative people I’ve ever met were addicts and alcoholics. Not necessarily while in the midst of being high or drunk. I’ll further attest that the most vile, ignorant, and emotionally distorted people I’ve ever known are people who boast of never having done illicit drugs. And they do more harm under the guise of self-righteousness, virtue, and religion than any addict ever did whilst high or drunk.

Sometime in the Late 90s to early 2000s, Spearheaded by Dick Cheney, it became legal to advertise drugs on television directly to the public. This was disastrous and helped fuel the OxyContin epidemic that McKinsey and Co. helped advise the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma design a catastrophic campaign to addict as many people as possible to the drug under the guise of chronic pain management that has taken the lives of more than one million beautiful souls, who might otherwise still be here if not for their greed.

Journalist Melody Petersen writes:

"A very powerful technique that the drug companies spend millions and millions of dollars on is hiring physicians to give lectures to other physicians on their drugs. It looks like the physician is up there giving his independent position on this drug, but often he’s been trained by an advertising agency. His slide presentation has been created by an ad agency. It looks like independent science, but it’s not... They want to get as many articles published in our medical journals as they can that show their products in favorable lights and will get physicians to prescribe them, so they often hire a Madison Avenue ad agency to write up an article for them or a study. The name of the ad agency rarely appears in the published version; instead, they hire doctors to put their names on as author... It’s gone so far that some independent scientists are starting to view our medical literature as propaganda.”

Medicating for avoidance or to adjust brain chemicals is a dangerous enterprise to embark upon, yet it’s estimated that more than 500 million humans abuse illicit drugs worldwide. The incidence of legal prescription abuse is staggeringly higher. Politicians, oppressors, and our legal system are all modern Pharisees and legalists who do not understand mercy over punishment. Most mental-health practitioners know that meth, cocaine, crack, and speed derivatives or stimulants, including caffeine, are specifically ingested and abused as personal treatment of depression. People seek out the very chemical they feel will balance them. Know what the most consumed drug in prison is? Coffee. You’ve been conditioned by Hollywood to believe cigarettes are king. But coffee is the most bartered, stolen, and consumed drug in jails. Not dope, cigarettes, or anything else.

The most coveted and sought-after high: homeostasis—normalcy through chemical balance. Most addicts take a stimulant like cocaine and balance it with a depressant. They’re trying to get level, even, or normal. Like, drinking alcohol in association with cocaine or crack. This is the cheapest form of the same equation. If the patient feels down, he goes up, and vice versa. Every drunk knows the way to sober up is to do a little cocaine. Most heroin addicts eventually shoot cocaine with the smack. It’s called “speedballing.” In fact, I’ve never witnessed an addict who medicates up or down exclusively. They try to vibrate or balance in the middle. A heroin addict’s mind races all over the place when they’re dope sick or kicking. They want to get calm, warm, shut down, but not too far. Cocaine addicts are dark and depressed without the stimulant and can experience little pleasure, so they want to feel false elation and stimulation.?

What starts as a moment of darkness or despair turns to an attempt to chemically balance an otherwise unbalanced brain, then further exacerbated with prolonged use and eventually abuse. Cocaine addicts dig themselves into a deeper hole and require more dope to get out, and the cycle continues. It’s self-sponsored, anesthetized avoidance. We do this until we’re dead. In fact, when we overdose, we aren’t trying to die, we’re trying to find peace. Over and over. Think about that for a minute. That doesn't sound like they’re out there partying it up and having a good ol’ time? Nah, sounds like a lot of laborious and excruciating maintenance and spiritual agony. It sounds hard. Much harder than going to church, PTA meetings, work, or paying taxes.?

I’m reminded of a book back in the mid 90s called Dead Doctors Don’t Lie. The book implies doctors are basically ignorant and know very little about nutrition and other environmental factors. Veterinarians are better at treating various animals because they treat the ailments, not symptoms. Vets understand diet, environment, living conditions, and various biological systems to treat animals because animals can’t talk and tell you where they hurt. There’s a part where the author shares why pregnant women crave certain foods based on what the baby depletes from the mother’s system.?

There’s also a story about how cows will chew on iron wire of fences because they have an iron deficiency. And how calcium deposits in the body come from calcium deficiencies, not an abundance of calcium. Most of our health concerns are stress, chemical or mineral-related. What do you think addicts are doing? Correct—the same thing an expectant mother is doing when she craves pickles and ice cream—adjusting chemistry and replenishing depleted levels of whatever’s low at the time.

Addicts aren’t trying to hurt you or themselves; they’re trying to get relief. So punishing them for surviving and seeking comfort is downright inhumane. They’re just as in need of medical attention as a diabetic or cancer patient. Unfortunately, the diseases of addiction and alcoholism are far worse in that they are the only disease that make the afflicted lie to themselves. It’s like a form of spiritual schizophrenia and it’s a physical and mental malady—a soul sickness, if you will.

Leonardo da Vinci said, “There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.” It’s been my experience that damaged and gifted people fall into three categories at various times also: sheep, wolves, or shepherds. It resembles Nietzsche’s Metamorphosis of Consciousness theory. It’s oversimplified, and I’m sure the behavioral science majors will have something to say, but indulge me. I like to imply that important people like you would be reading this. These are the three acts of a play or stages of life as well. The exposition, rising action and finally, climax:

Sheep: You can say they see once shown. They’re innocents, often victims as children and sometimes volunteers as adults. They’re hungry for love and acceptance. Similarly, vulnerable as children and followers by nature as adults, they often wander into the wrong place at the wrong time and are taken advantage of by the following:

Wolves: We can agree, they do not see because they’re blinded with rage and selfishness. They’re predators who leave chaos and victims in their wake; conveniently, they see themselves as victims. They’re ready to die and take everyone with them. They’re hungry, hostile, and voracious. Like black holes, they’ll stop at nothing to devour your energy and light to make you understand the pain they’re in. Motivated by fear, they’re hungry for death, only because their need for life and love was never met. Once upon a time, they were sheep. To survive, they become wolves.

Shepherds: Those who finally see are empathetic, wise and loving. They’ve been sheep or wolves at one time or another. Now, leading both to safe pasture, they’ve done this all before and understand the vulnerability, danger, conflict, and development of both. Shepherds love and guide unconditionally through illumination. Motivated by light and love, they’re hungry for enlightenment. Embracing their own humility, they’re prepared to die for all the right reasons, especially to save sheep and wolves alike. They do this through servant leadership and selflessness. The only earthly path to becoming a shepherd is to accept that you know nothing because nothing is knowable and be humbled through submission.

Which stage are you in, reader? If you said none of them, then you’re an angel or a liar. If you said at one point or another, all three, then you’re enlightened and probably a shepherd.?

I wrote this for the imperfect. For those of you who have lost loved ones and for those of you who are struggling and have struggled yourselves. If you're struggling right now and thinking of hurting yourself you can reach out to me day or night and I will tell you how to live a life of gratitude and abundance, that works. But the caveat is you have to be sick and tired of the one you're living now.


People with higher than average IQs tend to abuse alcohol and substances

PBS With Bill Moyers

Kristin Ludlow UXC, CSPO

Empowering teams to create user-centered solutions through servant leadership, strategic thinking, and collaboration.

6 个月

Lost several friends and family members to addiction. All were gifted.

Amy Mabli

Product Design Lead | UX Generalist | I'm a systems thinker with super power soft skills

7 个月

I didn't know about the high IQ and drug use connection, but it makes perfect sense. My sister was in Mensa and we lost her to narcotics 9 years ago. I'm sorry for your loss, Thomas. Thank you for your article. ??

Theo Sauls

Founder UX Healthcare Ltd EU I UX South Africa I Code Java Africa I PHP SouthAfrica I Co-Founder Bitcoin Events. Non-Executive Director - Member Board of Directors at IDATco

7 个月

Watched a fantastic docuseries called "How to change your mind". This backs up a lot of your points in this article. As a chronic sufferer of pemphigus foliaceous, my physicians was way to quick to recommend drugs which has had a long term effect on my health. Who benefits?

Elizabeth Simone J.

User Experience Strategist creating UX for digital & real life. ???Go beyond compliance! UXR and Program Development, but other experiences as: Accessibility auditor, Dev, BA, & Project Mngmt.

7 个月

For anyone who wants to understand this point further, read: “When Crack Was King: A People's History of a Misunderstood Era”

Stephan Bianchi

Product Developer, Mechanical Designer, Member of the Industrial Designers Society of America

7 个月

Drugs can have positive effects, but that is not the main goal of many providers. Halucinogens, carefully administered, have helped people overcome addictions. On the other hand, it seems most research is budgeted "Defense" spending. One product of government testing of LSD and amphetamines seems to have been Charles Manson.


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