In today’s article, we will go over a recurring theme, perspective(s), and artistic points of view in all of my books, no matter the genre. That theme is war. We will always be inconsistent battles and fighting to overcome something. Even when we win a war, another arises after. I mean, it’s truly remarkable and yet so baffling that we are constantly fighting to not be over something but to get through it. This is from a personal perspective but in general terms.
From an artistic perspective, I love grasping the experiences of being human. We often think most of our challenges are complicated, but they are not compared to the wars we have going on in our heads. One war we all are facing is reality vs. augmented reality. Some of us seek to pursue an authentic life in this "virtual world", while others are just faking completely. It has gotten to a point where if you want to live correctly, you must disconnect from the world, and if you are lost, just google how to find yourself. If you understand that last line, you see the depths of how the Internet has drastically changed our perspective on many things such as success, life, relationships, knowledge, and being you.
Why? It’s just too much information on the internet for anything and everything. In addition, to the people expressing their narrative(s). The war we are facing collectively is what is real, fake, authentic, and false. In conclusion, the Internet can only help so much. Be cautious but stay dangerous.