War & Conflict Via Mercenaries & Psychological Operations Instigate War; Impacting Global Populations Causing Risk for Poverty & Chaos.

The World has Faced Destruction at The Hands of Mercenaries & Terror Groups for The Most Recent Forty Years or More. The Day has Come for The Psychological Operations That The Mercenaries have been Using to Instigate War for a Profit— To Stop Permanently. ?

The Best Way to Secure Peace is To Identify & Track The Movements of Mercenaries Who Have Instigated The Conflicts & Wars of Today.?

The Reasoning as to Why Mercenaries Use Psychological Operations is Because Mercenaries Make Investments en The Global Stock Exchanges. This Logic of Riches from War, Strategically Enhances The Demand for War Machinery & Weaponry such as What The Industrial Military Apparatuses of The World Governments Produce en Expectation of War, as a Preemptive Defense Measure.?

The Leadership & Militaries of Nation-States Who Defend Their People with advance Technologies such as Autonomous Drones & Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles that Carry Payloads of Destruction at Catastrophic Levels encluding Vessels that can be Immobilized via Frequency Technologies Develop Their Industrial Defense & Military Apparatus, due to In-Security, have The Purpose as a Resolve To Defend Their Homeland.?

However, Despite The Need for Nation-States do Protect Their People, en a Private Sector & Capitalistic Market; Many Organizations & Corporations Who Facilitate The Increase Selling & Purchasing & Trade of Weaponry, Military Supplies Stockpiles of Missiles, Firearm Ammo, Chemical Weapons, Biological Weapons, Massive Artillery, & Air-raid Jets en sum Produce a Military Supply Chain that Procures Regular Production of Weaponry & Equipment.?

These Organizations & Corporations Stand to Profit from Adverse Political Conditions & en sum Cases Cause The Escalation of Political Debacles to The Level of Civil War & or Regional / Global Conflict to Make Themselves Wealthy.

Furthermore, When Conflict Occurs, Organizations & Corporations are Obvious Culprits & Agitators of Who are a Primary Source Fueling Wars & Fears of Destruction.?

This is The Why to Why Nation-States Purchase Weaponry & Military Equipment from The Developed World.?

Furthermore to Extrapolate as an Example on The Topic of International History; When The Soviet Union Collapsed en 1991 Scores of Soviet Military Weaponry & Equipment was Taken & or Purchased via Mercenaries.?

Therefore These Mercenaries use Psychological Operations together with Old Soviet Weaponry & Equipment & Use Their Psychological Operations as The Practicum & Means to Deceive Nation States So To Speak, Posing, as Enemy Agents of War & en Turn Provoking Nation-States ento Declaring War & or Making War Actions with Their Weaponry & Equipment.?

At The Core of it All, if a Political Situation among Two or More Bordering Nation-States is Deteriorating; Mercenaries Can So To Speak Launch an Assault on One Of The Nation-States Using The Weaponry & Equipment That The Mercenaries Aquire from The Soviet Weaponry & Equipment Sell Off of 1991.?

Furthermore The Weaponry & Equipment if Painted with The Symbols of One or More Nation-States By The Mercenaries & en Turn as a Practicum Empower The Mercenaries & Their Plans to Wage an Attack Posing as One of The Nation-States with Unstable Political Conditions to Instigate War against Another Nation-State; Therefore The Result is that Nation State A en a Cold War with Nation-State B with Regards to Those Unstable Political Relations are Duped-Tricked ento a Multi-National Regional & or Global Conflict / War.?

This Understanding of How Psychological Operations hitherto The Relevant Nation-States, as an Affect if Used Effectively Causes The Nation-State That Was Attacked By The Mercenaries to Retaliate Against One or More of The Other Nation-States; Of Which Draws other Nation-States En To The Conflict, Escalating The Conflict ento a Regional & or Global War Where The Industrial Apparatus of The Global Governments Expands Procuring Their Industrial Complexes Ability to Develop Military Weaponry & Equipment, Sufficing as The Reason for Greater Production & en sum enables Many Investors & Mercenaries to Capitalize Turn a Profit from a Immense Multitude of Factors such as Oil & Gas Trade — Blockade of Trade Routes — Prisoner Taking — Hostage Taking & Various other Means of Chaos & Hostilities encluding What We Understand as How Psychological Operations enable Some are used towards Gaining Commercial Profits from The Rally of Stock Exchanges & Growth en Commodity Markets Total-Net Value of Which is The Source as to Why Markets Grow Exponentially.?

Therefore due to The Significant Increase en Demand for Goods, Services, Materials & Raw Resources Nations States Become at Risk of Collapsing via The Way of The Multiplying Affect that Serves as a Compounding Affect of The Need for Limited Assets. This is Scarcity at The Base of International Relations that as an Effect is The Root as To How There is a Sharp Increase en Inflation When War Occurs. Therefore Bottomline;

War Grows Poverty Among The Globes Populations as a Direct Impact & Result of Conflict, War, & Profiteers Who Gain Wealth at The Expense of The Worlds Populaces Suffering & is The Root of Inflation. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

~Alan Tyler Dixon I, Sr.




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