From The Library of Alexandria to AI | The Evolution of Data Storage.

From The Library of Alexandria to AI | The Evolution of Data Storage.

A more complete and comprehensive version can be found on


WAP: Articles Only On LinkedIn

"Imagine you are at the library of Alexandria, watching the fire spread slowly towards the building. You are surrounded by the world’s single greatest archive of knowledge and you know that it will soon be turned into ashes. You have time to step in and save a few scrolls. Which ones should you rescue?"

Wang and Barabasi | 2021.

"There is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil."

"I'd read just about any topic he found interesting and wanted to dissect."

Bill Gates | 2019, 2017 and his regard for Vaclav Smil.

Chapters and Content

1. Paths To Adapt AI Over Time -

2. MIT and NU: A Joint Project on Neuromorphic Materials Using AI -

3. Bio-molecular Physics and AI -

4. Minimizing Risk in a World Filled with Uncertainty -

5. AI Creating Hot Streaks in Business and Careers -

6. Biophysical Patterns of Life Through Time -

7. Monetizing Emergent Technology: A Business Plan -

8. Early AI -

[ For William A. Paradise ( WAP ) Articles published and appearing only in LinkedIn. ]

They say that most of us have done enough in our lives to fill at least one book. This is a sampling of some of my professional stuff for an outline. These ‘Chapters’ were created over time and based on topic, application, or relevance. The articles are all copyrighted.

Will anyone be interested in our individual [ my ] story? That’s always hard to predict. I know from personal experience how much effort, time, finding grant funding, and financing that goes into creating any kind of meaningful 'success' and or 'progress'.

But, this is also not unique to me. It’s lasting sustainability or durability through time can be a subject for discussion. And is also influenced by a lot we can’t control. Scientists, researchers, deans, physicians, bankers, hedge-fund gurus, and newly imagined or created firms can spend years or decades doing it.

And there's also a core of really talented and highly functioning 'admin' people not mentioned, without whom, nothing would move forward at DU, MIT, NU, UI, UIC, or TUDelft.

Thanks to Wang and Barabasi at NU for their 2021 book THE SCIENCE OF SCIENCE, on data and AI. In it they directly address many issues, among them the importance of professional longevity and relevance for us all.

“At the beginning of this chapter, we posed a difficult question: If you were at the Library of Alexandria watching the flames grow nearer, which research would you save—the old, or the new? The issues discussed in this chapter not only help us to answer this hypothetical question, but may also help scientists more realistically understand the lifespan of their work.”

“It turns out that we can combine these features in a mathematical model, (see Appendix 1.5 for more detail) and then solve the model analytically arriving to a formula describing the cumulative number of citations acquired by paper i at time t after publication:”

?? ?? ?? = ?? ( ? ??????(ln ??????? / ???? ) ? 1) (20.1, page 211)

( apologies for formula formatting errors above )

“Equation (20.1) makes a remarkable prediction: as noisy and unpredictable as citation patterns of individual papers may seem (20.1), they are all governed by the same universal equation. The differences between papers can be reduced to differences in three fundamental parameters, λ , μ , and σ.

“In other words, all citation histories, as different as they seem, appear to be governed by a single formula.”?

To me, that’s pretty amazing.

My education is in chronological order with most recent on top.

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | IT, AI, ongoing since 2015; MIT / Sloan / CSAIL / CAMS / CME / IDSS / CISR / LC / DCE / SI / J-WEL / ChemE / Langer Lab / TC / CCI / CBMM, Generative AI: A Technology Strategy Lens, Algorithmic Business Thinking (ABT) / DEFF-X / S, AI, STEM, Biomedical / Bio-computational, Quantitative Biology, RNAi, Neuroscience, Integrated Information Theory (IIT), and continued LLL.
  • TUDelft - University of Technology | Monetizing Emergent Technology: A Business Plan
  • Northwestern University (NU) | MBA, and continued LLL.
  • University of Denver (DU) | BS - Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Other relevant professional activities.

  • Led HPLC system design and manufacturing firm. Incorporated latest robotics, generative AI, sensors, and software.
  • A peer reviewed author and publisher.
  • Articles on LinkedIn are also supported by other research as lead and co-author papers online and through Google and GoogleScholar.
  • Life Long Learners ( LLLs ) / Learning are a particularly significant opportunity with AI.
  • Ongoing discussions with staff and researchers at MIT and NU.
  • I'm a great admirer of James Cameron for a number of reasons. Key among them, his ongoing work on: "the digital 3D Fusion Camera System."
  • Research by Vaclav Smil on a number of topics is remarkable.
  • Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan which addresses improbability: “I also make the bolder (and more annoying) claim that in spite of our progress and the growth of knowledge, or perhaps because of such progress and growth, the future will be less predictable, while both human nature and social “science” seem to conspire to hide the idea from us.”
  • Generated varied revenue streams and created unique profitability models and opportunities.
  • While at UIC Health and UI Medical School I created and ran shared purpose buildings, facilities, and laboratories for advanced cancer and DED research in Healthcare Sciences. Managed all research laboratory operations, writing, publishing, attracting grants, funding. Both based in Chicago.

Focus was multifaceted:

1) research in causal links to cancer,

2) advanced wound healing Directed Energy Devices (DEDs) of various wavelength applications within surgical and cleanroom settings,

3) responsible for selection, purchase, and installation of fully automated facilities, included; installation of latest iteration robotics, QR coding, thereby creating a hi-volume slide production capability,

4) wrote, implemented SOPs required for two federally funded DoD / AF Surgeon General’s Office procurement and research programs. SOP designs adopted and adapted throughout and beyond immediate project.

[ Full immersion within the Electronic Visualization Lab and the Software Technologies Research Center at UIC. Working directly with Dr Jason Leigh. ]

  • Ongoing involvement in 1871 and MATTER time permitting.

'Chapters With Most Relevant Content' :

1. Paths To Adapt AI Over Time -

2. MIT and NU: A Joint Project on Neuromorphic Materials Using AI -

3. Bio-molecular Physics and AI -

4. Minimizing Risk in a World Filled with Uncertainty -

5. AI Creating Hot Streaks in Business and Careers -

6. Biophysical Patterns of Life Through Time -

7. Monetizing Emergent Technology: A Business Plan -

8. Early AI -

References (chronological):

The Ryan Institute on Complexity, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management., September 6, 2023.

“Kellogg has always taken an interdisciplinary approach to open new areas,”. And, “If we can integrate complexity science and this fundamental thinking from physics and the natural sciences and apply it to business and markets, developing thought leadership and training future leaders in the school — that could be a very meaningful contribution to society,”.

Jason Leigh, Active in a variety of ‘ecosystems’ including as; Professor / Director of LAVA, Director Emeritus of the Electronic Visualization Lab and the Software Technologies Research Center at the UIC, Co-Director of the Hawaii Data Science Institute, Director of Create(x) at University of Hawaii at West Oahu, and Professor of Information & Computer Sciences at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa., October 15, 2022.

James A. Radosevich, Patent: LABYRINTHIN-BASED PEPTIDES FOR CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPIES AND USES THEREOF., Publication number: 20220409709., Publication date: December 29, 2022.

James A. Radosevich, Patent: CONSTRUCTS TARGETING LABYRINTHIN OR A PORTION THEREOF AND USES THEREOF., Publication number: 20220089719., Publication date: March 24, 2022.

Dashun Wang and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, The Science of Science, Cambridge University Press., University of Cambridge., UK., 1st Ed., Copyright 2021.

Vaclav Smil., Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities. , The MIT Press., Cambridge, MA., London, UK., 2019.

Photomedicine and Laser Surgery., et. al., Photodynamic Therapy: Occupational Hazards and Preventative Recommendations for Clinical Administration by Healthcare Providers., Vol. 31, No. 8., Published Online: August, 2013.

Radosevich, J., ed., Methods, Processes and Comparative Yield Economics for the Production of Antibodies and Recombinate Proteins., Text Book Publication., wrote multiple chapters, published, 2011.

Vaclav Smil., Energy and Civilization: A History., The MIT Press., Cambridge, MA., London, UK., 2017.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb., The Black Swan: The Impact of The Highly Improbable., Random House,. NY., NY., 2007.

Turing, A.M., The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, Vol. 237, No. 641. (Aug. 14, 1952), pp. 37-72.

John von Neumann, The Computer and the Brain, Yale University Press, 1st. ed. 1958, 2nd. ed. 2000, 3rd. ed. 2012.

Turing, Alan., "Computing Machinery and Intelligence"., 1950.

Turing, A. M., "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem: A correction". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2. 43 (1) (published 1937): 544–46., (1938).

Karl T. Compton, President MIT., THE TECHNOLOGY REVIEW., Published by MIT., Vol. LI,. 0.2., December, 1938.

John von Neumann, Continuous Geometry, Princeton University Press, Copyright 1935, 1960, 1988, 1998.

Smil has authored dozens of books and counting on an array of topics.

Copyright ? William A. Paradise 2024, 2025.


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