Wanting To Change Isn’t Enough

Wanting To Change Isn’t Enough

Did you know wanting to change isn't enough?

You see, I believe that we're all capable of doing anything in our life that we want to, however, we're not able to everything at the same time as this would lead to overwhelm and burnout, but why is this?

Well, it is because there are only so many hours in the day and you need to prioritise what is important to you.

It's possible to allow opportunity cost, to structure your life, to be more efficient and productive, using it as a tool to structure your goals and priorities, allowing you to achieve what you want in life.

What is opportunity cost?

Well, it is the value you pay for the value of what you have to give up in order to choose what you want, understanding that you will have to become aware of the sacrifices and gains that you make, weighing up the best option for you at this point in your life.

The thing is that many people want to change various areas of their life, but simply knowing about how to go about it isn't enough.

It's important to understand that you not only have to have the knowledge of how to make the change, but also willing to take the action required or else everything will just stay the same.

There is a saying that knowledge is power, but I do not believe this is totally correct.

It should be knowledge plus action equals power.

You see, you can read all the books in the world, know everything about everything, but if you're not willing to take action on this knowledge, it will be useless and no change will be made in your life.

Learning is very important and we should be learning all of our life, but without taking actions on what we've learned, you will not be able to grow, meaning that the change you want will always be out of your reach.

It can take a lot of hard work and effort to make changes stick, and even more to create lasting change.

But change is possible for anyone who is willing to put in the effort, but it won't happen by accident.

It needs dedication and commitment for anyone hoping to see real lasting change in their life.

Sadly, this is one of the reasons so many people just plod along with their life, unfulfilled and unsatisfied, usually moaning about what they don't have, but not willing to make any changes, knowing that they want more in life and are capable of more in life, but they feel that they're not able to change.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Well, this is wallowing in self pity, because as I've said, we are all capable of making changes that will make a difference, not only to your life, but to those around you.

It's only when you're willing to step out of your comfort zone and actually take action, are you able to live a more fulfilled and satisfied life.

Being able to take control and responsibility about how you live your life and making changes that will lead you to following your dream life.

This can be really scary, but it's only when you actually make the changes, instead of just thinking about them, are you able to overcome your fears.

If you're serious about wanting to change something in your life, stop thinking about it and get to work on making it happen now.

It is only you that can make change and there's no time like the present to get started.

With action comes empowerment, allowing you to live the limitless life that you desire and deserve.

I hope you found this informative and insightful.

If you'd like to hear more, please like, follow and subscribe to my social media channels and website, better still, why not arrange a call with me?







It will cost you nothing apart from some of your time, which I understand is valuable, but I'd love to hear what your thoughts are about how you feel you'd like to change your life for the better, so that you can live a more fulfilled and satisfied life.

Click on the link below and I'll look forward to hearing from you.

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