wanted:surgical or N95 P100 masks to be donated to Greenburgh first responders so they can be healthy during coronavirus crisis
First responders all over the nation are running out of surgical and or N95, P100 masks. Some residents and businesses may have extra's. It's important for our first responders (EMS, police, fire, volunteer ambulance) to have them than residents. If they get sick with coronavirus they won't be able to help you if you or your family member need medical help.
One way you can help is to donate extra masks to the town's first responders. Please e mail [email protected] (and copy me at [email protected]) if you are able to help. We will send someone to pick them up. If you have contacts with anyone who has access to extra masks that would be great.
We are all part of the same team --a team determined to keep everyone in Greenburgh as safe and as healthy as possible. Please help.
Greenburgh Town Supervisor