At midnight on New Year’s Day, we revealed our theme for the coming summer, and I don’t know when I’ve ever been more excited about a summer camp theme. It’s a wild west concept we’ve entitled “WANTED by God.” It’s sure to be a lot of fun, but even more important is the message.
So many of our campers every year are struggling to find where they fit in. I speak with kids every summer who feel rejected, unloved, and unwanted.
One example is Julie. She came to camp with a tough attitude. She was mean to others and very closed off. Her cabin director recognized that Julie was probably acting this way to protect herself. She lived in foster care and had faced some form of trauma in her past.
On Thursday night, however, Julie had an “ah-ha” moment. For the first time, she saw that God values her and that He wants relationship with her. In response, she put her faith in Him.
The transformation in Julie’s demeanor was so immediate and undeniable that other campers wondered what was going on. They asked her if she had gotten into trouble. They were astonished when she told them that the change didn’t come from discipline; it came from the heart.
Julie no longer felt like an outcast. She was now a child of God.
It is our desire that every camper this summer will hear and understand this same message. We will teach them that, no matter what they have faced in the past, God knows them, loves them, and desires them.
We need partners to help us reach these campers with this vital message. If you would like to join us on this mission, you can make a donation at www.southmountainchristiancamp.org, or mail your contribution to South Mountain Christian Camp at PO Box 9, Bostic NC 28018.
Together, we will show these campers that they are valued, they are cherished, and they are WANTED.