"Wanted" SI EE's - Testing for RX Margin in the Lab or Fab #DesignCon
#DesignCon is a great place to network
Recall (years ago) doing booth duty, showing a 100 GHz solution when a CTO at the largest T&M company on the planet, stop and said something like - that cant be live, that's years ahead of us. Watching our Chief Scientist discuss the challenges, it reminded me of two solders meeting off the battlefield, the mutual respect
Multilane is known as an "early adopter
FY23 its no different - Instead of showing our solutions in the old perfectly controlled demo. We will be testing live, on other vendor prototypes or recently introduced products (some delivered days before or "Day of" . Yes its Chaotic, last minute and wont always be pretty - But lets not forget I've seen your labs and when product launch comes around you truly live in the "Eye of the Storm"
Stop by booth #749 (here's a free pass) join engineers for a peak at "Next Gen" products, meet the designers, get insight on the best ways to test PHY layer High Speed protocols, with a focus on #signalintegrity in the Lab, Fab or Production floor - Meaning our solutions scale from world leading measurement specifications for the R&D Lab to production (cost effective) and now wafer level test - I heard a clever design engineer remark in her presentation at our last summit - From a cable, chip or test rack, We always have your back.
So if you want to do Receiver margin testing on your design Lab or Fab environment, now's the time for your voice to be heard - As CTO/CEO and design EE's will be in the booth (PM me if you want a private chat) otherwise take your chance, roll the dice and drop in.
Ill try to update with info during the expo as some of you cant make it this year. If your an SI engineer and want to drop off a resume try looking here first or ask for me at the booth
Dan Payne (chief Bottle washer at large)
#technology #future #testautomation #validation #SIJ #signalintegrity #powerintegrity #highspeeddesign #serdes #digitalworld #receiver #automationsolutions #Linktraining #calibration #validation #SIJ?#highspeeddesign #semiconductor?#techinnovation #technologysolutions #Rxtesting #computing #interfaces #digitalsignal #signalautomation #waveforms