Want Your People Back into the Office? The Top 5 Ideas to Consider Before You Do

Want Your People Back into the Office? The Top 5 Ideas to Consider Before You Do

At Winning Ways, there is one principle that we stress to our clients – there is no one right answer. In fact, the more leaders step away from “the one right answer” to think more outside the box, the more innovative solutions they will discover.

The current business environment has changed. We all know this, and yet some of us are understandably trying to catch up with the transition, or many transitions, the pandemic has created. We are constantly asking ourselves – sometimes minute by minute – what is the best decision here??

This consistent assessment is no more prevalent then when we are considering, as leaders, whether to have our direct reports come back into the office, continue to work remotely, or participate in a hybrid model.?

Maybe there’s another option entirely. The reality is that we are all doing our very best to figure things out. The complexity of the decision is overwhelming, and, in fact, my team and I are coaching executive leaders through this challenge daily and helping them identify the solutions that will work best for their office and their team.

The decision grows even more complicated because of the level of emotion that comes with every choice made. People are scared. They are scared to get COVID. They are scared about bringing it back to those they love. Just as leaders are having to make considerable decisions about themselves and their teams, our direct reports are having to make similarly significant daily decisions about themselves and their families.?

It is a lot for everyone, and yet leaders also have an opportunity to show their direct reports just how much they are valued, and in doing so, change the experience to one that is positive, built on empathetic leadership, and psychologically safe.

We may not know the entirety of the situation the individuals on our teams are facing right now, but we still have a choice. We can hear what they choose to share and respond in a way that honors their need to be safe and healthy while keeping those they love safe and healthy as well. We can choose to dismiss what we are comfortable with for an “outside of the box” perspective. What would it mean for you and your team if you stepped outside the box on this one?

The question that might surface is not, “How do we get our people back into the office?” Rather, it may be “How might we base our decisions around what our people need the most – to feel safe and supported physically and mentally?” It’s not to say asking the question differently eliminates or even minimizes the complexity of the decision, but what it does do is actively show our direct reports that they are important, and we welcome going beyond “one right answer” for them.

Here are some outside the box ideas and models that you might consider throughout the decision-making process:

Give your mid-level and executive leaders the ability to make the decision on a case-by-case basis.

Just as each person is unique, so are their circumstances, needs, and wants. Build a culture of trust from the very top and give your mid-level and executive leadership the ability to make decisions about how and where their direct reports work on a case-by-case basis.

More often, than not mid-level managers and executive leads have a greater understanding of their direct reports then the top-tier leadership because they engage with them far more often. For instance, they may know that Max may have two school-aged daughters that are about to start summer break and Max is stressed about childcare. Fortunately, Mad did not have to be concerned about this the last couple of years because they were home with their kids. Now, they have to figure out next steps that they may or may not be able to afford while also feeling saddened by the loss of family time they became accustomed to. The situation has caused Max to appear scattered at work, missing deadlines, and exhausted by worry. However, if their leader knows the situation and has the ability to change the situation for Max and allow them to work from home, imagine what that would do for Max’s productivity levels and feelings about the organization.?

In a time when it is difficult to keep top talent because of The Great Resignation, Max is more inclined to stay committed and engaged in the organization that supported them personally and professionally.

Create Hotel Cubicles or “Collaboration Centers”

Space is a very real factor in this WFH vs. work in the office vs. hybrid model decision. Many leaders have shared concerns that if everyone works from home, why would they pay for office space. In fact, this, in and of itself, is a decision that many companies are making. From Microsoft to Twitter, several organizations are telling their people that they can work from home permanently.

However, for those organizations that need or want to have office space, but also want to keep that environment as safe as possible for their employees, you might consider hotel cubicles or “collaboration centers” where employees can book desks or meeting spaces when they most need it. This way there are less employees in at one time, and there is a dedicated workspace for them when they are there.

Invite your team to be part of the solution by reminding them to clean and sanitize the space that they “rent” before and after every use.

Co-Working Subsidies

Another option for those with limited office space or those considering giving up their office space might include offering a co-working membership to team members. The music platform Spotify has recently offered to pay a co-working subsidy for those employees who move or moved to a neighborhood that isn’t near a Spotify office but wishes they could be around people again.

This may not be the exact reason why you might offer a co-working subsidy, but it might still work for those who want to or need to work from home, but don’t have the workspace setup, highspeed internet access, etc. they need to work at their best. Co-working spaces are popping up all over the place and may be the very solution are looking for.

Host a talkback session with your direct reports on a quarterly basis to figure out where they are now.

Check in with your direct reports frequently to see what they need right now. Situations change. Ask them to share what they need help with and invite them to partner with you in identifying and implementing solutions.

Complement the one-on-one conversations with quarterly “town halls,” where you can hear from the entire community, while they also hear from and respond to each other in a healthy, productive way. It’s important to see that we are not alone in what we are going through. When we come together with a common goal, the investment made in what is decided is far stronger than if we, as leaders, had made it within a silo.

Simply Pause

Of course, making no decision is a decision, and sometimes when we are still gathering information it is best to simply pause. We know there is no easy answer here and feeling this uncertainty can be difficult to sit with. Understandably, we want answers right now. Still, if we take a minute to step back to thoughtfully consider the options, we are aware of now while remaining open to the ideas we may have yet to realize, we may find that we make better decisions because we did not rush into this “solution” or that in a panic.

Leaders bring the weather. We show our teams how to show up by how we show up. If we show up in a panic, frantically moving to this quick fix and that, they will too. However, if we are mindful about our decisions, they will be as well.

There may be no easy answer, but there is always a choice that we can make.?

How might you apply outside the box thinking to a challenge you are currently experiencing?

If you would like to become more effective in your leadership and decision-making, we invite you to reach out. We help leaders of Fortune 500 companies and national organizations better understand their decision-making process so that they are making the decisions that work best for themselves, their teams, and their organizations. Contact us to learn more about our executive coaching opportunities and Leadership Evolution Program at [email protected]. We will talk soon!


Joan Fletcher, PCC的更多文章

