What is the difference between a want and a need? The words are used interchangeably. However, there is a great distinction.?
A WANT is something a person would like to have but other things will suffice. For instance, you may want a new car but cannot afford one at the present time. Your old car is still operational and serves the purpose. You do not spend time thinking about how you hate your car, you are not unhappy when you go out in the morning to leave for work, and most important, you are not continuously frustrated by the fact that you cannot buy a new car. Even so you definitely WANT a new one and have plans to accomplish that in the future.
A NEED is part of you. A NEED is much deeper than a want. A NEED is in your personality make up and in your soul. You may NEED a certain satisfaction in your work. You may NEED to live a specific type of lifestyle. You may NEED qualities in a relationship to make you feel whole. A NEED is not flexible. It does not go away. It is always with you. Your soul is always pushing you toward its needs. Your soul does not care if you do not have time. Your soul does not care if you do not have money. Your soul does not care if you are tired or if NEEDS are impractical. It just needs what it needs.?
Pay attention in your life as to whether you are dealing with a WANT or a NEED. Making distinction as to what is essential for your soul and what is only a preference will not only enable clearer analysis, it be easier to make important life decisions.