Want to track issues or tasks? Try using Microsoft Lists.
Microsoft Lists is a service/app within Microsoft 365 that allows you to create a configurable grid of data that can be shared with your team members. You can use it to track just about anything on a construction project, from action items to submittals. If you are looking for a simple way to collect data and share it with your project teams, Lists might be the right solution.
Microsoft Lists was released in 2020 as a separate but still connected service/app to SharePoint. While the UI for the app has been upgraded, the underlying settings menu system remains the same as the SharePoint List app. There are web-based, desktop, and mobile versions (for iOS now and Android soon) of the Lists app so you can interact with the data across all of your devices.
SharePoint List Settings
As it relates to construction, Lists is great for spinning up a quick tracker such as an issue tracker or simple item/asset tracker where the data is best viewed in a grid UI. Lists has all the features you would find in a SharePoint Lists, including the ability to add custom forms, workflows, and reports by leveraging Microsoft 365 Power Platform (Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate), which is deeply integrated into the Lists menu system.
Lists integration with the Power Platform
Where to begin; create a list
Lists can be created from within SharePoint, the List app, or even Microsoft Teams. To add a List within Microsoft Teams, click Add a tab and select the Lists app.
Lists app in Teams
To create a List from the Lists app, click Create a List. You have the option of selecting different list types: Blank List, List from Excel, an existing List, or a Template. Once you choose a List type, you will have the option to save the data to either SharePoint, Teams, or your personal storage. If you want to customize the List further, the cog in the upper right-hand side of the screen displays the List Settings. Since Lists is built on top of Microsoft SharePoint, the cog directs you to the familiar SharePoint List Settings page, where you can add columns, grouping, filters, and sort your List as needed.
List Types available
What are List types and how do I use them?
What are some considerations?
While Lists is its own app/service that users can access directly, you can also create and share Lists through SharePoint or Teams. Make sure to consider how Lists get updated and how users generate reports as part of the overall solution.
Users can attach files to Lists. Depending on the complexity of the List solution needed, you may want to have attachments stored separately in SharePoint Document Libraries or One Drive, where files can be managed more effectively than in Lists.?
Microsoft is looking to release a new stand-alone version of Lists that does not require a Microsoft 365 license. So, if you like Lists but don’t want to have to pay for a Microsoft 365 subscription, you might be able to save some money by waiting for this version to be released. This is now in preview and you can take a look here: Try Microsoft Lists with your Microsoft account Preview.
If you are using Microsoft 365, then Lists is a no-brainer for simple tracking. There are many different uses for Lists that can benefit a construction project. Give it a try!
Also, if you need help setting up Microsoft 365 to manage your construction projects, you can check out this three-part blog or you can reach out to us directly for a free one hour consultation.