Want to Start Business in Ethiopia, East Africa? Here are few Good Profitable Ideas for You.
Ethiopia is one of the Africa’s fastest growing economies. The country’s growth originates from manufacturing, construction and agriculture-related industries. Although periodic drought and massive soil degradation have previously plagued the country’s agriculture, the sector remains the backbone of the country’s economy. Agriculture still accounts for up to 80% of total labor force, 84% of exports and 46.3% of gross domestic product (GDP). Additionally, other numerous economic activities rely on agriculture, including processing, marketing and export of agricultural commodities.
Ethiopia has a large variety of indigenous plant and animal species. In some areas, the mountains are covered with shrubs such as pyracantha, jasmine, poinsettia, and a varied assortment of evergreens. Caraway, carcade, cardamom, chat, coriander, incense, myrrh, and red pepper are common.
Ethiopia's agriculture is plagued by periodic drought, soil degradation caused by overgrazing, deforestation, high levels of taxation and poor infrastructure (making it difficult and expensive to get goods to market). Yet agriculture is the country's most promising resource. A potential exists for self-sufficiency in grains and for export development in livestock, grains, vegetables, and fruits. As many as 4.6 million people need food assistance annually.
Ethiopia has huge agricultural potential owing to the country’s diverse climate, largely adequate rainfall, its vast fertile lands and a large pool of affordable labor. Unsparingly, the Exports are almost entirely agricultural commodities, with coffee being the largest foreign exchange earner. The country is also Africa’s third largest producer of maize. Agriculture remains one of Ethiopia’s most important and promising sector. However, the production has remained subsistence with the bulk of commodity exports coming from the smallholder agricultural farmers. The major crops include coffee, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, potatoes, sugarcane, and vegetables. These crops come from farmers holding an average of 1.2 hectares of land, 55 percent of whom holding less than one (1) hectare.
Ethiopia’s livestock population is believed to be the largest in Africa, and tenth in the world. The sector accounts for about 10% of Ethiopia’s export income, with leather and leather products making up 7.5% and live animals 3.1%. The country is home to about 49 million heads of cattle, 22 million heads of goats, 17 million heads of sheep and 38 million chickens. The country also has demonstrated potential for fishery development in its freshwater lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Other investment potential areas in this sector include fish, milk & meat processing, raising and fattening of sheep, goat, cattle and camel.
Ethiopia has competitive advantages in agriculture and agro-processing and sugar owing to the country’s favorable climatic conditions and types of soil suitable for the production of a variety of crops. The conditions are suitable for growing major food crops such as cereals, pulses, and oilseeds. Some of the sectors that also have great potential for investment include organic coffee cultivation, sugar cane, tea and spices, cotton (and textile), a broad range of fruits and vegetables and cut flowers.
List of few business ideas that will really help you out:
Goats are allied to sheep but are much hardier and more active animals. Their males or billy goats have a tuft of hair (beards) under the chin. The present day goats are said to be discarded from one to more kinds of wild goats of Asia & Europe. Read more
Potato is widely consumed as food all over the world. Potato chips are basically used for snacks purposes. They are produced by rapid dehydration of potato slices by direct contact with hot oil. Its crispiness and special palatability makes it the favourite of people of all age groups. Read more
Sugar industry is the most advanced processing industry in the agricultural sector and has brought about integrated rural development in certain remote villages. The main raw material i.e. sugarcane grows widely and is cultivated too. The utilization of it’s by products in the manufacture of alcohol, paper, etc. Read more
In modern days bread is now becoming one of the most essential food item in human diet due to its readymade availability and high nutritive value. It is the most consumable wheat based bakery product. Wheat flour, yeast, sugar, salt, water and shortening agent are required as raw materials to manufacture bread. Read more
Sugarcane juice is a very delicious drink during summer, contains many minerals and has nutritive value. It is a major constituent of glucose and sugar. Glucose being a major stamina-enhancer, sugarcane juice is a pure and natural refreshment and is available in every town and city. Read more
Bakery products in India are in common use. Items like breads, biscuits, buns, doughnuts, cookies etc are very much popular among people and use them in their daily life, because they are cheaper and largely accepted. Attempts at popularizing bakery products among all has been successful because these products are considered easy, Read more
Cocoa beverage is manufactured by the mixing of ingredients like cocoa powder, milk powder, sugar and vitamins homogeneously. It can be substitute of Milk products. Demand of cocoa beverages is increasing about 10% per annum. It is used as health drinks, to make the chocolate and flavoured food. Read more
In India the animal feed industry is of recent origin. There are today as many as 14 plants in the organized sector. All of them have excellent facilities for quality control and are well equipped for chemical analysis of raw materials and the finished products. Read more
Cold drinks are very popular among people of all ages. They are available in canteens, restaurants and hotels. Cold drinks in pouches are nowadays very common. These pouches may be available either as an aerated soft drink or juice based soft drink. The juice-based consists of nutritious fruit concentrate, Read more
Potato is widely used vegetable in all over the world as food item. Modern food technologist has developed variety of food products which is manufactured by potato. The potato popular food products are potato chips, potato powder, potato flakes and potato granules etc. Read more
The mineral water is one of the important items, which is directly consumed by people all over the world. Mineral water is bottled under very hygenic conditions under strict quality control being market. Its major use in 5 star hotels and hospitals where good quality pure water is required for potable purposes. Read more
A larger part of the average family's food bill goes on protein foods e.g. cheese, eggs and fish etc., which are important parts of a healthy and well-balanced diet. Now-a-days people are turning to fresh-water fish such as rainbow trout, carps and tench, which can die raised in ponds and ornamental garden pots. Read more
Chocolates is the favourite item of children. Chocolates and Cocoa products supply proteins, fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins and Minerals. Its primary feature is solid at room temperature and yet melt rapidly in the mouth a 37^C giving a liquid with appears smooth to the tongue. Read more
Cheese is basically milk product, which is manufactured from milk by acidulation and then by filtration. The precipitate is cheese, there are few seeds and cereals grain contains highly soluble protein, fat and carbohydrate. By grinding and mixing with water, it forms substitute of animal (cow, buffalo) milk. Read more
Among preserved fruits, jam, jellies, pickles and squashes forms an important class of products. Apart from fruit juices, squashes are also used in the form of drinks. These are found as attractive items in the functions. Sauces, ketchup, jams and jellies are used with breads etc during snacks. Read more
The protection of food stuffs from spoilage by moulds and bacteria is a major concern of the food technologist. Potatoes can be consumed in varied forms. In fact, it is a vegetable that can easily be combined with any other food item including other vegetables, cereals, pulses, meat and poultry. Read more
India has the distinction of being the world’s largest power of grain legumes (pulses), notwithstanding the production is not adequate to ensure a per capita availability of 80 grams. The area under pules has been around 20 to 24 million hectares. Read more
Ice cream is defined as a frozen dairy product made by suitable blending and processing of cream and other milk products together with sugar, flavour, stabilizer and incorporation of air by agitating during the freezing process. Read more
Food is mainly composed of three main groups of constituents i.e. carbohydrates, fat & protein. In addition to this there must be some inorganic minerals & organic substances e.g. vitamins, Iron, Mg etc. The body cereal foods is that enriched food which has a requisite level of nutrition. Read more
Vermicelli, has been in use since the early period of Indian civilization. It is used by all communities, irrespective of cast or religion, it is also consumed in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, U.S.A, U.K., African and Middle East countries. Read more
There are few food items are largely used as diabetic food. There is no ill effect produce by taking of this food by the diabetic patient. It is now manufactured in India by some organized sectors. It has good export scope though there is good indigenous demand of the food. Read more
It is one of bakery products largely used by the cake manufacturer. Basic raw materials are vegetable oil, G.M.S., Xanthenes gum, Satiric Acid etc. It is stable (at room temperature) gel like product. It required a mixing machine, heating equipment, packing machine for manufacturing the product. Read more
Chewing gum and bubble gum were originally made of the prime raw material called ‘chicle gum’ which was imported. Sugar and flavouring agents were added to make the chew more palatable. Chewing gum and bubble gum are offered to consumers in several forms. Read more
Custard powder owing to special delectable taste is generally preferred as a dessert after meal. The demand of this readymade dessert has gone up substantially in the etropolitan cities. Read more
Welding Electrodes are used in welding various metals in the fabrication of equipment for chemical and allied industries, construction of steel structures such as bridges, factory sheds, the manufacturing of ship. Vehicles and engineering equipment. Read more
Instant noodles is a ready to cook and serve snack food which has become very popular in India in the recent years after its introduction on mass scale of machine. The instant noodles are manufactured in two kinds, namely seasoned noodles and plain noodles with soup bag. Read more
Since long people used to burn cotton in mud cups filled with oil. But candle manufacture started during World War-II. The candle is being used in every village and city in India. Moreover, in village where electricity is not available, candle is largely used in the darks. Read more
Shoe Polish is commonly used for shining shoes. They consist of waxes and solvents. Shoes polish is available in a number of colours e.g. black, brown, transparent etc. Liquid polishes are also available where the waxes exist as an emulsion. Read more
Sanitary Napkins is one of the item of non-woven textile. It may come under speciality textile group. According to industry observers, India?s health care industry is expected to grow around 13 % per annum. The product has very good export potentiality. Read more
Paper is one of the necessities of civilization and it is almost impossible to imagine the continuance of a world without a printed books and newspapers. Facial and toilet tissue papers fall in the category of light weigh sanitary tissue and comprise of items viz facial tissue, sanitary tissue, Read more
Exercise books are widely used by teachers, students, housewives, businessmen and office going people. Note books of various shapes, sizes and pages with different type of covers like paper bound, board, rexine bound etc are available in the market. Read more
Tissue paper is used for direct inside part wrapping as in jewellery, liquor, fruits, florist trade and for manufacturing paper napkins, toilet papers rolls, facial tissues and neutralised paper for capacitors used in electric and electronic industries as well as manufacture of cigarette and wrapping paper. Read more
Mosquito repellent candles repel mosquitoes even without being alighted. The mosquitoes, owes to their prominence as a disease carrying pests. Repellents are materials that affect insects and other organism and disrupt their natural behaviour. Read more
Paracetemol is an important intermediate in the manufacture of other pharmaceuticals like the antimalarial amodiaquine. Two types of paracetamol are commercially produced, namely powder and granules. The granules grade is called direct compressible product which is easier to use for making tablets. Read more
Vitamin is crucial component for good health. Vitamins are generated in the body itself however any irregularity or sickness disturbs this automatic generation of vitamins. Vitamin C is one of the important vitamin require by body. The source of vitamin C include accerola, citrus fruits, tomatoes, Read more
Jeans and cotton are widely used by all members of the society in all classes. Now a day’s casuals and shirts are made by cotton and jeans. Demand of cotton and jeans based products are increasing throughout the world rather than synthetic fibre based products. Read more
Surgical cotton buds/swabs are an essential consumer item. It is used daily by people and are hugely in demand in the hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries and homes etc. Cotton buds are made of cotton of proper medical standards. Read more
Mattresses or bedding are one of the most useful articles in our modern life. It is largely used in the domestic, commercial and industrial area in all atmosphere. It can be manufactured by using cotton, silk fibre, coconut fibre etc. There is plenty of availability of raw material in India. Read more
The hotel industry is an important component of tourism industry. Its foreign exchange earning capacity is also high. The irritation of economic reforms in this country gave a boost to the hotel industry. The demand for rooms in hotels by foreign businessmen has increased sharly. Read more
The human life in cities is becoming more and more mechanical because of noise pollution, environments pollution, increasing vehicular traffic and growing industrialization. To ease some of the tension of this monotonous life, people crave for relaxed and peaceful environment, Read more
In the modern society due to awareness towards the hygiene, Toilet soap has how become the necessity of life. Urbanization and development to tourism industry has led to both increase in demand and improvement in the product quality. Read more
The readymade garments industry in India owes its existence to the emergence of a highly profitable market for exports. The changes in the life style since the on set of the liberalization era, and given the base of the industry for the overseas market, Indian garments industry has taken big strides. Read more
Printing inks are one of the most important ingredients of printing industry and with the advancement of printing industry, need for the development of new types of printing inks has also enhanced considerably. Printing inks are basically made in the form of paste and liquid ink depending upon the type of application. Read more
Computer is an electronic device. All the parts of the computer has certain period of life after that these are unable to work. Waste parts can reuse for further production of new products. To development of new variety of computers there is large amount of computer waste available. Read more
The safety razor is providing with guards on both sides of the cutting edges, which restrain the age from digging into the skin. Development in razors and improvements in the quality of the blades resulted in a large acceptances of safety razors as the instrument for the shaving and today it is a commodity of everyday use in all part of the civilized world. Read more
There are few unorganized and private companies engaged in the manufacturing of Mayonnaise. It may be called the product is better substitute product. For the product manufacturing basic raw materials required vegetable oil, vegetable protein, milk protein, egg protein or fat emulsifier salt and water. Read more
Caffeine is widely used in pharmaceuticals as free base and mixtures, such as citrated caffeine’s caffeine and sodium benzoate. Tea waste or coffee beans, limewater and trichlorothylene are the starting raw materials for its manufacture. Tea waste contains 3-4 percent caffeine. Read more
Energy bars are often promoted as a quick snack, a supplement athlete/ sports person or those who done workouts energy bars are also an excellent method for replenishing muscle energy store after sport. For best results eat an energy bar 30-45 minutes before a race or workout or eat small amount during in race or ride. Read more
Maize is one of the main cereal grains which is produced throughout India and is placed 3rd position in agricultural base production though it is not our staple basic food. Maize is constituted by hull, germ, protein, starch and moisture. Maize is generally processed using the dry and wet milling processes. Read more
Starch is a group of polysaccharides, composed of glucopyranose units joined together by glucosidric linkages. It conforms to the molecular formula. Where a varies from a few hundred to over one million. Starch is found as the reserve carbohydrate in various parts of plants and is enzymetically broken down to glucose to other carbohydrates according to the metabolic needs of the plants. Read more
Non woven fabric is a fabric like material made from long fibres, bonded together by chemical, mechanical, heat or solvent treatment. The term is used in the textile manufacturing industry to denote fabrics, such as felt, which are neither woven nor knitted. Read more
Fabric softener (also called fabric conditioner) is a conditioner used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer. It is available as a liquid, crystals, and dryer sheets and is used to both soften fabric and prevent static cling during drying. Read more
Power Transformers are used in Transmission network so they do not directly connect to the consumers. These are not loaded fully at all time so iron losses takes place 24hr a day and cu losses takes place based on load cycle. Average loads are about only 75% of full load and these are designed in such a way that max efficiency occurs at 75% of full load. Read more
A restaurant is simply a place to have food outside your home. It is smaller in size than a hotel as it does not have accommodation facilities. It is an establishment that serves the customers with prepared food and beverages to order, to be consumed on the premises. Read more
A sock is an item of clothing worn on the feet. The foot is among the heaviest producers of sweat in the body, as it can produce over 0.25 US pints (0.12 l) of perspiration per day. Socks help to absorb this sweat and draw it to areas where air can evaporate the perspiration. Read more
E-waste is a popular informal name for electronic product nearing the end of their useful life. Computers, televisions, VCR, stereos, copier, and fax machine are common electronic product .Many of these product can be reused, refurbished and recycled. Read more
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Best Business in Ethiopia, Business Ideas in Ethiopia, Opportunities for Investment in Ethiopia, Business opportunities in Ethiopia, Doing Business in Ethiopia, Business Opportunities in Ethiopia for Women, Setting up a New Business in Ethiopia, Start a Profitable Business in Ethiopia, Investment Opportunities in Manufacturing Sector in Ethiopia, What kind of business can I start in Ethiopia? What is a good business idea to start Ethiopia? List of businesses in Ethiopia, Profitable Small Businesses in Ethiopia, Manufacturing of Potato Chips/Wafers in Different Flavours, Mini Sugar Plant, Bread Making Plant, Sugarcane Juice Preservation, Modern Bakery Unit, Cocoa Beverages in Granule Form (Health Drinks), Soft Drinks in Poly Pouches, Potato Granules Manufacturing Plant, Mineral Water, Chocolates Production, Production of Cheese Analogues, Jam, Jelly, Chutney, Pickles & Squashes Manufacturing Business, Production of Potato Powder, Dall Mill (Split Dalls/ Pulses for Chhilke-Wali Moong, Urad, Arhar, Channa, Masoor), Ice Cream of Different Flavours, Manufacturing of Baby Cereal Food, Manufacturing of Vermicelli, Manufacturing of Diabetic Food, Cake Gel (Cake Improver) Manufacturing Plant, Production of Chewing Gum & Bubble Gum, Custard Powder Processing Industry, Production of Welding Electrode, Production of Instant Noodles, Candle Making Unit, Shoe Polish Production, Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing Business, Production of Paper Napkins, Toilet Rolls & Facial Tissue, Exercise Note Book and Register Manufacturing Business, Toilet Paper Roll Production, Manufacturing of Mosquito Repellent Candles, Paracetamol Production, Vitamin C Production, Jeans, Cotton Casuals & Shirts, Cotton Buds / Swabs, Mattresses / Bedding, Five Star Hotel, Amusement Park, Production of Toilet Soap, Readymade Garments, Production of Printing Ink, Recycling of Waste Computer, Razor Blade Production, Manufacturing of Mayonnaise, Caffeine from Tea Waste, Production of Energy / Protein Bar, Maize & Its By-Products, Maize Starch & Liquid Glucose, Non-Woven Fabric, Textile Softeners (Cationic, Anionic & Non Ionic), Power Transformer, Restaurant (With Microbrewery), Socks Manufacturing Industry, E-Waste Recycling Plant (Electronic Waste, E-Waste, E-Scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)), Socks Manufacturing project ideas, Projects on Small Scale Industries, Small scale industries projects ideas, Toilet Paper Roll Production Based Small Scale Industries Projects, Project profile on small scale industries, How to Start Toilet Paper Roll Production Industry in India, Vitamin C Production Projects, New project profile on Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing industries, Project Report on Socks Manufacturing Industry, Detailed Project Report on Vitamin C Production, Project Report on Socks Manufacturing, Pre-Investment Feasibility Study on Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Techno-Economic feasibility study on Razor Blade Production, Feasibility report on Razor Blade Production, Free Project Profile on Sugarcane Juice Preservation, Project profile on Sanitary Napkins Manufacturing, Download free project profile on Toilet Paper Roll Production, Startup Project for Sugarcane Juice Preservation, Project report for bank loan, Project report for bank finance, Project report format for bank loan in excel, Excel Format of Project Report and CMA Data, Project Report Bank Loan Excel
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