Want to serve others? Listen well.
By David Koop
Back in 2008, the USA Today newspaper carried an intriguing article. A Harris Interactive survey found that 10 percent of the 2,041 U.S. adults polled were driving a car whose "Check Engine" light was on. An alarming 50 percent of those whose cars were showing signs of an impending breakdown indicated the light had been on for over 3 months. This light was part of the onboard diagnostic system to alert drivers when their vehicle had a problem. It was there to warn them of a potential danger that could threaten them and perhaps others on the road.
What is interesting is that the survey found drivers had a whole litany of excuses for ignoring the light. Some turned a blind eye toward the indicator because the severity of the problem seemed questionable due to the car ”running fine.” Others pointed to a lack of sufficient funds. Still, others simply procrastinated because they were too busy and just didn’t have time to worry about diagnostics and subsequent repairs. Whatever the excuse was, they were choosing not to listen to the warning light. They did not service their car because they did not listen to the car.
Just as vehicles have warning lights that indicate a potential problem in the engine of a car, we too often display a warning light that reveals a potential problem in the engine of our lives, our heart. When we see this “warning light” in those around us, it is often an invitation for us to listen and serve. The first step in serving others well is to listen well and then respond accordingly.
Here are a few warning signals of a potential breakdown in a person’s life we may spot while listening to them:
We will notice these indicators when we take the time to listen. Once we have listened, we then know how to serve and care for others. Here are four simple keys to listening well:
Here is a sample of understanding questions:
Is this a good time to talk?
Is there anything you need from me or something I can do to help you?
Can you help me understand what it’s like being in your situation?
I notice you haven’t been going for your walks lately. Is everything OK?
How are you? You don’t seem like yourself, and I want to know how you’re really feeling because I care about you.
4. Take responsibility. After we have listened, we need to act and do what we can. In Matthew 27:24 we read how Pilate washed his hands in a basin to say, “I am not responsible”. Earlier Jesus had used a basin to take responsibility and wash His disciple's feet. (John 13:4,5) Pilate uses his basin to avoid his rightful responsibility. Jesus used His basin to take on responsibility, which most would say was not His in the first place. Chuck Swindoll writes in his book Improving Your Serve, “The room was filled with proud hearts and dirty feet. The disciples were willing to fight for a throne, but not a towel.” If we call ourselves Christ-followers, we need to lay aside our pride, be alert to the needs of others, and do our best to serve them with the resources that we have. It may be saying a prayer for them, providing them a meal or some other kind of assistance, or simply arranging for another time for them to talk.
In Mark 9:35 we read, “He (Jesus) sat down, called the twelve disciples over to Him, and said, ‘Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.’” Today, in our busy 2022 world, Jesus is calling us over to Himself and giving us the same message. Let’s be willing to serve as He taught us and this all begins with listening.
To read more from Dave Koop Click Here.